ANGELs and Devils

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The thunders is roaring, the wind is blasting and tears is flowing, an 8 month old baby crying with a flowing blood on her face, not far from little angel is the a dying mother, bullet wounds any part in her body has been planted praying to save her child, with all her remaining strength she reaches the child to protect for any debris from the trees. embracing the child to stop from its crying, whispering loving words.

"princess i love you, GOD help my child" a pleading mother said in her one last breath.

A miracle happened, the prayer of a mother has been answered, an old man with  woods on his back trekking to his way home when he heard noise,

But not just noise its more on crying baby, with trembling hands and thumping heart due to fear it might be ghost, but his instinct to help empower him to search the crying baby.  Not so long he found the cause of the crying.

" what is a baby doing in a forest?"

but not just that he was so shock to see the baby is covered with blood but  the cause of the blood. The man hurriedly cradles the child,

" shhhh i will help you child" he was checking the area if there is any clue of what happen to the baby but none .

The supposed to be trekking back home for 7hours its shorten into 3hours with running just to get home and help the child, when he reach his home

" honey help,help"

not long after his wife open the door and hurriedly coming to her pleading husband

" Ommo what happen yeobo?" said the lady with a curious child picking what happened. He hurriedly give the baby to his wife

" help this chiiiilld " said while catching his breath.

The lady bring the child inside to check what happen, she open its swaddle checking the condition of the child,

" honey bring me basin and hot water and chichi bring my red box here"

she command her husband and her grandchild, still in panic but doing it.

"who did this to you angel?" with broken heart they doing everything  they can to save the angel.


'" Boss the child is not here we search everywhere i think the baby is dead but  i see torn baby's clothing with blood, might be eaten by wolves here in forest"

the man reports while talking to his boss in the line, on the other end there's a silence and roaring laugh.

" GOOD GOOD come back to the city soon we have things to do.!" the boss end the call.

" aaaissh that man has no heart ,how can he do this to them just for money tsk"

cont..... short for now once or twice a week update.. ENGLISH IS NOT MY 1ST LANGUAGE

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