Chapter 71: Secretos para preocuparse

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Luz didn't like the fact that Willow and Gus couldn't visit for the day.

They were both on vacation and she didn't know where they were having a vacation at. Even though Gus and Willow were in different places, she wanted to see them.

Not by boredom or loneliness but worry. She wasn't sure what she was worried about but it didn't help that Amity had joined her lessons alongside her other classmates now.

And the fact the Parker and Penny hadn't come to any lessons was by far the worst. Nothing but trouble now.

Trouble was everywhere.


Luz flinched yanking her gaze around when she turned to look behind her.

Amity tilted her head a bit before sneering a grin for a split second.

Luz sighed.

"Don't do that ever again." She said.

"Do me calm, Luzy... But how have you been?" Amity asked.

Luz raised a brow, confused she felt as she asked, "what do you mean?"

"Luzy," Amity hummed before asking, "you've been avoiding me for quite a while, you don't talk to me, you don't go over to me, and you don't in the slightest greet me when we pass by."

Luz looked down.

"Oh..." She sounded saddened.

Amity stared at her before asking, "you look disappointed."

"No, no." Luz sighed out loud.

"I'm not disappointed... I just sort of... Miss Willow and Gus?? I mean, I'm worried about something but I don't know what it is..." She continued, shrugging a bit before glancing over to Amity who didn't show a sign of concern on her face.

Honestly, she wasn't even sure if Amity was worrying for her at all.

"Why do you look so lifeless?" She asked.

Amity hummed, surprised and confused over the sudden incoherent question.

"I'm what?" She asked.

"Lifeless, you don't seem... Bothered when I said I feel worried for both Willow and Gus right now." Luz said before continuing with, "your expression doesn't show it, you look calm."

Amity snickered, stifling a laugh as she pulled Luz over to sit somewhere.

"Now, how about you do me calm again and rephrase it for me, Luzy." She said after they found a place to talk better without having to stand around.

Luz clutched her knees before asking, "do you really care?"

"Are you having another tantrum?" Amity asked.

"Amity, be serious here!" Luz scoffed when she grabbed both of Amity's hands into hers.

"¿En serio te importa?(Do you really care?)" She asked.

Amity stared at her unmoving for a moment before throwing a quick fit of laughter as she couldn't stifle it no longer than a second more.

Luz stared at her, confused yet curious.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

Amity calmed herself down, clearing her throat out loud before saying, "so you are having another tantrum?"

Luz frowned. That wasn't what she expected to hear from Amity.

Amity wasn't being serious at all.

"Can't you take at least this conversation seriously, Amity..!?" Luz bantered.

"Luzy, you're getting angry over nothing again." Amity sighed.

"No! I am getting angry over something!" Luz scoffed before yelling, "at least take me seriously right now!! All you do is call me with this dumb nickname every time we talk and you being this stoned faced makes it worse!"

Amity patted Luz's back.

"What is there to be angry about me again, Luzy?" She asked, slowly reaching and giving one of Luz's knuckles a light peck.

Luz wasn't fazed.

"We might be a thing of the sort but take me seriously when I worry for my friends!" She grunted, pulling her hands away to cross her arms.

Amity hummed, keeping to herself before saying, "Luzy... What are you blaming me for this time..?"

"I'm not blaming you for anything, ok..!? You're just... Unreasonable sometimes!" Luz said.

"Hmm..? How so?" Amity wondered.

"You kill before you think, it's like an instinct of yours to just kill anything that you don't like." Luz said.

Amity sighed softly under an unreadable frown as she laid back on the seat and thought it over.

"I indeed do just that but that doesn't mean I wouldn't think twice over it." She said.

Luz clutched her sleeves before giving a sad look while averting Amity's eyes.

Amity raised a brow before asking, "what's on your mind right now, Luzy?"

"If you were to hate me, would you have killed me back then??" Luz asked.

Amity was a little taken aback but she wasn't showing signs of it.

"I suppose I would have but... I was with Boscha at that time." She shrugged.

"You were with who!??" Luz shot up.

"Boscha," Amity repeated before continuing with, "I and Boscha dated even before we met."

Luz was shocked that her jaw was hanging loose.

"You're telling me you and Boscha were dating when you decided to ask me out once right after you declined me first..!?" She said.

Amity hummed, thinking it over before saying, "I wouldn't think so... We never acted like an official thing, we were always busy, she was with another healer somewhere else a bit far and I was at the school you attended to."

Luz hit her in the face.

Amity felt around her cheek, somehow, it was painful. She's never experienced this much pain before, it was new.

"Vete a la mierda, Amity.(Fuck you, Amity.)" Luz said before standing up and leaving.

Amity sat there, confused. It was just like last time, Luz walking away from her, leaving her again.

She sat looking down on the floor after clutching her shirt.


She's never felt this much pain since... Before the incident she had.

It was a surprise that it was making her smile, chuckle a bit even.

Luz had been blaming her for a while.

And she's been quite good with holding her secrets quiet unless Luz asked for them.

Why did she even tell her? She wasn't sure even to herself about that.

There was just something... Something forcing her to spit it out no matter how crucial the secret was to keep their relationship stable and not too chaotic and out of place.

Everything in her relationships was always out of place.


Amity looked up to see Edric, his vest still tainted with a bit of blood from his latest prey.

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