Chapter 4: Depositar

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Gus cheered for himself when he scored high. As in, he scored the top leading boards of the game.

"Nice," Luz commented.

"Let's go grab something to eat, I'm starving." Willow chuckled suggesting.

"Wanna go to that new restaurant that just opened recently??" Gus asked.

Luz and Willow agreed to that.


It was just fun and jokes until Luz noticed something familiar in the corner of her eye, glancing around for a better view, she saw Amity talking with the twins.

"Hey, isn't that Amity?? I wonder who those other two are..." She pondered while looking.

Willow perked up and immediately grabbed her by the hand.

"Huh?? What's up??" Luz raised a brow when she was pulled away from where she was looking.

"Nothing, it's just that, uhmm... I'm excited to try this new restaurant out!" Willow lied.

'Oh! She's excited just like Gus!' Luz smiled and hurried to her feet.

"Ok, let's hurry over there then." She said.


"I still wonder how you can eat that thing with pineapples and pickles on it now, you've always hated them in your burger." Amity wondered as she watched Edric take a good bite out of his food.

"What??" Edric raised a brow while still chewing on his food.

"He lost his sense of taste while hunting an assigned prey down two weeks ago, the business said that Senior Mr. Tibbles let it escape when he finally caught it for a swift kill with a knife." Emira shrugged over, "I heard he accidentally got whatever was sprayed inside his mouth."

"Ohh... Well, that's a little sad." Amity cooed over before taking a fry from her tray.

"Hey! It's useful... Now I can finally get myself into a healthy diet without me having to get all grossed out from the taste." Edric laughed.

Amity chuckled smirking at him in amusement, mocking him, "Yeah, right, like that'll ever happen to you, Apsat."

"Dad has a well-built body and here he is saying he wants to achieve that too," Emira added.

"Yeah, and I bet you two have the same thing in mind." Edric huffed.

"Sure, sure. Just finish it up with your burger, you eating two different things in one go is grossing me out." Amity scoffed before glancing around.

"You dirty yourself with grime and blood at each hunt, how am I eating a Hawaiian burger with pickles gross to you, Chase?" Edric said after exasperating a fake gasp for a dramatic effect to his reasoning.

Amity rolled her eyes in response to his blunt whining.

"True, you do hunt preys down like a puppers you are, Chase." Emira chuckled before drinking half of the entirety left on her soda.

"Oh yeah?? How so?" Amity hummed as she finished the last of her fries.

"You always get blood everywhere on your clothes and the scene of your crimes, not forgetting to mention the fact that you laugh while finishing them off," Edric said before drinking his soda.

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