Chapter 26: Valiente

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The night was not as quiet as it was on the road as cars seem to speed through their ride when on bridges or long stretches of highways.

Edric continued to drive, he didn't know where to stop, but he understands when to stop.

Emira glanced over to him, giving him an eyed signal to glance at the rearview mirror.

Edric glanced up to be greeted by Lus's glowing eyes staring back at him. He immediately blinked to shift his gaze back on the road before grabbing his phone out of his pocket when it rang.

"The prey is creepy as hell don't you think so? She even killed a senior hunter."

Emira had texted him.

Driving while on the phone, he replied with, "yeah, we'll have to make a detour to a ranger scouted forest won't we?"

Emira huffed and glanced over the window as Edric began to slow the car down and enter a dirt road.

Tapping calmly, her reply was, "yeah, we should."

They both sighed as Edric drove on with the long stretch of dirt path before noticing someone by the side.

"What the hell is that..?" Emira whispered when she also took notice of it.

Edric slowed down a bit more to take a closer look.

Some hooded man was standing in the dirt path with his hands tucked inside their jacket.

"Screw that, Apsat, keep going... He's probably new to this forest." Emira said, making Edric have to brush the anonymous person off.

Continuing with the dirt path, Edric soon found himself having to park beside a van and a motorcycle.

Emira quickly unbuckled the belt and got out of the car for Amity when Edric turned the engine off.

"We're here... What's Chase doing..?" Edric hummed as Emira opened the door for Amity.

Amity was half awake and half asleep.

"Tired?" Emira asked lightly.

Amity rubbed an eye awake and glanced around her before yawning.

"Where are we, Holter?" She asked.

Emira smiled and said, "remember the forest dad takes you to practice your hunting skills?"

Amity smiled under a chuckle while nodding in delight.

"Yeah, I do remember. Dad said I can do anything here." She said.

Emira felt pleased with the answer as she grabbed Amity out of the back seat and began walking towards the lit office of the park.

Edric unbuckled the belt and called for Lus.

"Hey, c'mon, you just fell asleep now?? We need a room to stay and Chase is going to kill me if she finds out we left you here to sleep instead." He said while opening the door for Lus.

She was asleep, her head bowed down as her breathing fell into a slow yet quiet pace.

Edric raised a brow.

'Is she a heavy sleeper or something..?' he wondered before heading what sounded like a gunshot.

Perking, he slammed the door shut, locking every door for security measures as he hurried towards the lit cabin.

Before he could rush inside, the door was immediately broke open by Emira's kick.

A man with a knife in their forehead was on the floor dead with a rifle beside him.

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