Chapter 89: Difficile

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Luz was bawling their eyes out at the dog Amity got her.

"Entonces este pequeño estaba realmente vivo.(So this little guy was really alive.)" Luz whined hugging the tail-wagging dog close to her.

"Yeah, it was." Amity chuckled smiling at her.

"Luz, ¿hay alguien más contigo?(Luz, is there someone else with you?)"

Camila rang from the laundry room.

"¡Oh mamá! ¡Mira! ¡Encontré a mi perro!(Oh, mom! Look! I found my dog!)" Luz laughed rushing over.

Amity chuckled at the adoring remark.

"You're still gullible, how pathetic." She scoffed before sitting upright when Luz came back with her mom fawning over the dog.

The dog was cheerful, almost playful, and thankful even.

'This dog better be happy I got him out of the hellhole.' Amity thought before saying, "what's it's named, Luzy?"

"Oh, I never gave it one yet." Luz said.

"What?? How so?" Amity cooed.

"Because I didn't have the chance to." Luz said.

Amity chuckled under a hand.

"Is that so?" She hummed.

Luz nodded.

"Well, it can't be helped then, I'll just have to call it puppers for now." Amity shrugged.

"Puppers?" Luz chirped.

Amity nodded before saying, "yeah... That's what Holter and Apsat used to call me when we were young before they changed it to mittens to Chase soon after. The internet influenced them that much to see me as a small tail wagging brown lap dog."

Luz was awe.

"Eso es tan adorable.(That is so adorable.)" She squealed.

"¡¡Vamos a llamarlo Puppers !!(Let's call him Puppers!!)" She exclaimed.

"Suit yourself." Amity shrugged.

"Oh, este pequeño se llama Puppers, eh, qué apropiado.(Oh, this little one is called Puppers, uh, how appropriate.)" Camila chuckled rubbing the puppy on its belly.

Its tail wagged a lot you couldn't even tell Amity tormented it before coming over.


"Ahh... For fuck sakes..." Amity sighed trying to bathe it.

It was squirmed a lot and cried a lot.

Luckily the door was shut locked.

Amity stared at the thing before rinsing the soap off.

"I wanna drown you so badly right now but you're Luz's cover-up dog." She huffed, grabbing it and wiping it dry before using a dryer to warm itself a bit.

It sneezed almost instantly when Amity held it up close to her face to stare at its soft whimpering eyes.

"You did that on purpose." She scoffed before taking it with her outside.


"Did you have fun?" Emira asked.

"Eat shit." Amity hummed, carrying the small thing by the back of its neck, she walked to her bedroom.

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