Chapter 41: Enojado

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Willow took a few steps forward to see Amity holding Luz close to her.

"If you become a hunter... Hm... That would mean... Changing course from being a prey to a hunter and not having to kill anyone for the money you win thereafter." Amity said.

Luz breathed heavily as she held over the pain. Her hands twitching ever so slightly whenever she'd clutch tighter.

"Honestly, it's just a dick move... And if any hunter, assistant, or even a healer were to tell you this. Everyone in the business would be pissed off at them." Amity said, chuckling a bit as she ran a hand on Luz's hair.

Willow stood her ground listening.

"So... What about it..? Becoming a healer isn't a choice for you since you can't do magic, you're not like the healers exactly, and becoming an assistant won't change anything, everyone can still kill you but the pay there is higher than a hunter has." Amity said as she shifted a bit when a sudden change of scent lingered in the air.

Glancing behind her, she could see the anger on Willow's face that made her snigger.

Willow slowly turned around and walked back up the stairs.

Amity watched her walk out of view before she glanced back down at Luz.

"Go to sleep for a while." Amity said before she gave a light tap on Luz's shoulder.

Luz immediately fell unconscious.


Standing up after tucking Luz in a safe distance from the small fire. She turned around and made her way for the stairs.

And to Willow.



Willow crossed her arms when Amity asked her a simple question.

Ignoring the cars in the background, Willow stared down at the bridge with Amity slowly walking towards her.

"Willow? Are you angry?" Amity asked as she stopped beside her, leaning over the edge slightly before grinning.

Willow frowned.

"Why did you say those?" She asked.

Amity rested her chin on one hand as she gathered her thoughts for it before saying, "she didn't want to cause a large extermination of hunters."

Willow gritted her teeth to hold herself from yelling.

"She could've just gone on and try to survive a bit more..!" She said.

Amity shrugged.

"That's what I told her at first... But she didn't want me to die which felt out of place for her to say..." She said, fiddling with her hands before continuing with, "why is love important for humans, Willow?"

Willow flinched and she slowly glanced over to Amity with a look of familiarity with the question.


"Hey, Willow! What does love mean?" Amity asked as she hurried in sharpening her knife.

Willow hummed as she finished giving ammunition to her gun.

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