Chapter 28: Denunciante

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Amity placed a hand on her mouth and whistled loudly.

The twins were a little confused about why their young sibling just whistled that loud in the middle of the open night.

Suddenly, they heard a loud calling of a horse and the noise of its hooves hitting the ground hard.

"What the hell?" Edric raised a brow as a horse rushed over them.

Amity smiled and patted the horse by its mane.

"This is a wild horse my dad said is the keeper of the forest. We're friends and I think they're willing to help us." She pondered.

The horse huffed, tapping a hoof down to the ground as it leaned forward to look at Amity's face.

Amity chuckled in amusement before she said, "c'mon, take us to Luzy."




Luz began coughing when a bit of water got to her lungs.

Looking around her, she couldn't see anything but the silhouettes of two people not too far from her.

"What the..?" She muttered in confusion as she tried to make sense of what was happening around her.

Looking down, she shrieked over the weird large symbol drawn on a large scale around her.

She was panicking. Oh. No.

Looking around her in frantic gaze, she frowned when her eyes fell into nothing but men in all black, draped in what looked like raggedy clothes.

"Who are you, people..!? Where am I?" She asked, unsure if those were the right ones to ask of all other questions in mind.

Her hands were tied on the chair, her legs were tied together.

Suddenly, loud chanting began from the hooded figures around her.

'What kind of crap did I get myself into!? ¡Oh, Dios, voy a ser sacrificado! ¡¡Por favor no!!' She was frantically trying to figure out why and how.

'¡No quiero morir! ¡No quiero morir!'

Crying in her thoughts, she could feel tears slipping down her face as she tried to pull her hands out of the ropes.

It was hopeless.

'¡¡Por favor!! ¡Alguien ayúdeme!'

Slowly, one of the hooded men walked forward and held a knife in front of her.

Luz gasped.

Her lips were trembling as she only let out three words.

"Someone help me!!!"

Out of nowhere and just before the knife could go down, a loud calling from a horse came right outside the building they were in.

It made everyone go into a frenzy as they heard the noise of a horse running everywhere.

It sounded like it was inside the building, outside the building, or in front of everyone even.

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