Chapter 68: Pintada

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Amity chuckled, shifting her gaze towards Willow to face her directly.

"De quoi est-ce censé t'inquiéter?(What are you supposed to worry about?)" She asked.

Willow clicked her tongue.

"Luz me rappelle comment tu étais quand tu étais bien plus jeune qu'aujourd'hui.(Luz reminds me of how you were when you were much younger than today.)" She said.

"Oh, is that so?" Amity smiled.

Willow nodded before sighing.

"And?" Amity wondered.

"And... I was worried sick for you, just before the incident happened." Willow continued.

There was a moment of silence before she added, "you were so unfair to everyone."

Amity glanced up the sky and chuckled, standing up, she walked over to Willow and leaned close.

"I've never been unfair to anyone, Wil, you were the one being unfair to me only." She said before slowly standing back upright and walking.

That... Caught willow a bit off guard.

Standing up, she hurried for Amity.

"What do you mean by that!?" She asked.

Amity hummed before saying, "it was never fair for me around you... You always preferred talking to other more than me, you could say I was pretty jealous they hit it easy talking to you."

"That doesn't give you a good reason why you chased them away from me!" Willow scoffed.

"Hmm..? But it does..." Amity sniggered before continuing with, "y'now... When two people becoming buddies, they are expected to pay attention to each other very well, that's how my mom and dad even got married in the first place. You never paid attention to me as your buddy, and decided to even abandon it by becoming a healer."

Willow paused.

Amity paused a few steps farther from her.

"Also... When you did abandon it, I felt quite... Mad... As if... I wanted to kill every hunter in the business but... Then we got sent to a school completely different from ours outside and met her... If it weren't for her, maybe, I would've stuck to the idea of destroying the place long ago, it would be more than just an armageddon." She said before walking away completely.


Amity felt trapped.

Very trapped as she glanced over her shoulder and towards Luz behind her, holding her tightly close it almost made it feel like she was going to snap a rib or two.

"Luzy..?" She called softly.

"You didn't fight with Wil, right..?" Luz mumbled.

Amity thought it over before patting her head.

"No." She lied.

Luz clutched tighter.

"O... Oh, you weren't, right..? You didn't threaten Will or anything like that when you got up close to her face while on the bench?" She asked.

Amity grinned.

'She has such keen eyes...' she wondered before saying, "alright, you got me. I did get into an argument with her, but it wasn't too harsh, we didn't raise our voice too much at each other and we didn't try to hit each other without bare hands."

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