Chapter 8: La amistad

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Boscha jumped in pain when she hit the metal wall behind her.

Amity huffed, putting her knife aside to offer a hand to her defeated opponent, "Get up."

Boscha rolled her eyes, a little irritated while taking the open hand.

"Chase. Zarola."

Both paused to look at where the voice came from. It was Kikimora.

"Helping another hunter is considered a weakness, such actions must be avoided no matter the situation next time." She nagged.

Amity stared at their instructor for a moment before tucking her hands inside her side pockets while walking away from the scene with a laugh at her, "Understood, instructor."

Boscha sighed as she dusted her knees and walked over to sit back down with the others.

"And where do you think you're going?" Kikimora asked as she eyed her walking out of the room, "Chase..?!"

Mattholomule hummed, watching Amity walk out, he had one comment for it, "What a bitch she still is.."

Boscha stabbed his leg with a metal straw in response, causing him to bite his lip, feeling the pain rise through his leg.

Hissing, Boscha pulled it back out when Kikimora left to grab Amity back. He growled at her.

"Fucking test me, Zambadi, and I'll make sure you'll wake up every day with a disfigured face." Boscha threatened him as she threw the blood-ridden straw into the bin in one toss.

"Tsk. Stop kissing up to that damn Arruinar. The only reason you made it in the last test was that she told you how to answer the questions top to bottom." Mattholomule scoffed trying to stand with an injured leg to make his way over to grab some bandages and a healing patch from the nearest med kit.

"Don't act stupid now, you came from the worst kind of breed for a hunter unlike me, your chances of being able to pass too were thin. If it weren't for that damn assistant helping you, you would've lost." Boscha said while sharpening her knife.

Mattholomule furrowed his brows at him as he finished with the bandaging as Boscha continued to sharpen her knife before glancing over back to him when he stood beside her.

"You. Me. Outside." He demanded, suggesting, "Let's settle this once and for all then.."

"That's not so much of a bad idea either, huh..." Boscha stood up to follow beside him.


"Chase!" Kikimora continued to call out to Amity who walked on without looking back or taking a moment to pause in her steps to make her way over to the cafeteria.

"Chase, get back in there immediately, you ruthless child." Kikimora nagged as she continued to follow from behind, trying to hurry on her steps.

Amity still ignored her while grabbing herself a can of soda from the lines of vending machines, sighing as she calmly rested her eyes shut to take the moment to herself.


Kikimora reached out.

Amity huffed suddenly grabbing her by the collar, slamming her to the table hard.

Kikimora felt sweat slip behind her neck looking up at Amity's face up close.

"Listen... Instructor.. I don't care what you want me to do to make Belos proud of you but if you get in my way, I'll kill you, just like the others before you....." Amity hummed before finally loosening her hold and letting Kikimora stand back up.

Kikimora mentally relieved herself as she sat down on one of the chairs and watched Amity have a moment of peace.

"You're one of the perfect Blights..... You can even surpass the perfection of any of your siblings now." She pondered aimlessly to herself as she watched Amity throw the empty can into the bin.

"To be honest with you, Instructor." Amity said as she took out her butterfly knife and twisted it around in one hand, "Ich hasse dich."

[I hate you.]

"And what does that mean?" Kikimora asked, feeling a sense of dread beginning to cover the vast room they were in.

Amity looked tired, that she knew. She wasn't hiding it in her face, unlike the other Blights who choose to look awake than tired to avoid getting targeted.

"You're tired." Kikimora said.

"So..?" Amity hummed while turning around as her occupied hand still toyed with the knife. She walked slowly towards Kikimora who kept herself calm in the situation.

"When did you get a proper schedule in sleep, Chase?" She asked after sighing.

"Just... Two days ago after I killed Skara's hopes of becoming a hunter." Amity thought through that question for a moment before answering back, continuing with, "Wanna know where she decided to go now? She went and became a healer instead, she knew the rules specifically that Hunters are not allowed to kill the healers because they are neutral to the games."

Kikimora leaned back slightly when the knife was aimed at her neck.

"I wanna add you to my list, Instructor, you're a perfect example like the others. You work beside Belos himself, nobody has ever seen him in person except for you which makes you the perfect target." Amity pondered as she closed the gap on the knife in Kikimora's neck, chuckling with a malicious grin, "Oh, I bet my parents would be so proud of me if I got rid of someone like you, they'd be able to see Belos because they'll replace you... What would it be, Instructor?"

There was a moment of silence in the cafeteria before Kikimora finally smirked and calmly nudged the knife away from her neck, she then stood up and offered an open hand to her, "You are perfection for a Blight. Your family must be proud of the monster they had created."

"Let's go now, shall we, Chase..?" She asked with a calm welcoming smile plastered on her face.

Amity shrugged took the hand and was led out of the cafeteria.

"Let's continue with the lessons so you can all go home early for the day." Kikimora hummed.


"It seems I am better than you, Zambadi..." Boscha chided while putting a bandaid on her face but Mattholomule needed a healer for his wounds.

"You just got lucky, Zarola." He scoffed.

"What happened here?" Kikimora asked when she walked inside.

"Nothing too serious, instructor." Both answered back in unison as they continued to fix themselves of the wounds they inflicted on each other from their fight not too long ago.

"Mir scheint, dass 'Zambadi' wieder gegen Zarola verloren hat..." Amity hummed as she sat down beside Boscha.

[It seems to me that 'Zambadi' lost to Zarola again...]

Boscha laughed her ass off on that one.

"That's real fucking funny, Chase..." Mattholomule scrunched his nose staring at her.

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