Chapter 86: Interrupción desviada

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That made Luz jump up almost instantly to yank herself around her seat to look at what made such loud noises.

"What the..?? Is that Apsat and Holter!?" She stuttered with squinted eyes.

Amity chuckled feeling her lips.

"At least I got to kiss you twice, Luzy." She mused.

Luz flushed and sat back upright in her seat.

"Por supuesto...(Of course...)" She mumbled.

Amity hummed before reaching to lower the window beside her when she heard serious and hurried knocking.

"Yes, Holter?" She asked.

Emira huffed before saying, "Chase, why are you out all the way here?? You're not supposed to be out this late unless it's something important!"

"But it is something important." Amity said.

"Driving out here and parking for the night is important to you?" Edric asked behind Emira.

"I'll hand it to Apsat, he almost had it." Amity snickered.

Emira sighed and crossed her arms.

"Just come back home with us now." She said.

"No, thank you." Amity said as she pressed to make the windows rise.

"Hang on!!" Emira quickly placed a hand making Amity pause.

"Hang on what?" Amity asked.

"Sheesh, just why are you acting hastily at us?? Mom and dad just want you back home now, Chase." Emira said.

"Why?" Amity asked.

"To give you this car's licenses and stuff so you can legally own this as yours. Mom and dad said you've been doing good taking care of the car so they said they'd just give it to you now instead of later." Edric said.

"What he said." Emira added.

Amity rolled her eyes before agreeing.

"Well, Luzy, I hope you don't mind if we take a detour straight to Hexside?" She asked after starting the car and lowering all the windows beside them.

Luz meekly smiled with a twitching brow.

"What?" She muttered.

The car roared as Amity whistled for the twins' attention.

The twins snickered at her remark.

Luz leaned a tad forward to look.

The twins shot up by that.

"Je viens de recevoir deux baisers de Luzy, je me sens bien.(I just got two kisses from Luzy, I feel good.)" Amity said before busting the gas hard to cause faint tire tracks on the dirt.

"Ce petit--(This little--)" Emira scowled before yanking Edric by the collar.

"Appuyer sur le champignon!(Step on the gas!)" She demanded.

Edric shrugged and did as he was told.



Luz held tightly on the seatbelt when Amity turned the invisibility on and sped off on the long driveway.

It was honestly quiet, didn't even seem like someone else would be driving their car out at night this late even.

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