Chapter 30: Controlar

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Amity hummed a light lullaby under her lips as she dragged the half axed corpse and tossed it beside another corpse while dragging the axe with her other hand.

"Dead man's crying in the silent skies..." She sang softly as she slowly turned her shoes over to the crying woman in the corner.

She grinned while walking closer, continuing to sing, following it along with, "just grab your drink and learn to cry... You're on your own, and this is the moment you've been waiting to arrive."

The woman's cries grew louder when Amity raised the axe high.


Luz ran in the directions the man had told her before a scream made her whole body tense for a split second of pause.

Gulping, she didn't know how she should expect this anymore.

Walking closer to where she heard it, she was met with an open shed and the door was bust open by someone, it was even axed.

'Oh no.' she thought as she ran towards it to look.

When she did make her way close to look inside, she paused when the puddle of blood had finally reached her shoe.

"Ahh...." She was speechless.

Looking down, her eyes felt teary and she didn't know why.

"What..?" She muttered.

Amity perked up and glance over her shoulder before smiling.

"Oh! Luzy, hi. I didn't notice you there." She laughed.

Luz stared at her in disbelief.

Clenching her teeth, she yanked the healing patch from her eye and made her way towards Amity who didn't budge to do anything.

"Why did you do this..!?" She asked.

Amity looked around them.

There was blood everywhere and body parts everywhere too.

"Why I did what exactly, Luzy?" She asked.

Luz clicked her tongue before smacking her across the face.

Amity wasn't fazed by the hit she was given, instead, she just sputtered out into a fit of laughter over it.

Luz was baffled by the reaction she got.

"You're a fucking monster!" She muttered under her breath.

Amity continued to laugh, holding her stomach with her unoccupied hand before wiping the red smudge off from her face.

"Luzy, what's wrong?" She asked after calming down a bit.

Luz didn't know why but that question felt like a weight on her shoulders. It felt uncomfortable for her to carry.

"You're asking me 'What's wrong'..!?" She repeated the question.

Amity nodded.

"You tell me 'what's wrong'?! Just what the hell is wrong with YOU!?!" Luz yelled.

She glanced around her before wincing over the gruesome sight around her.

"You're a monster, Amity..." She scoffed.

Amity sputtered out laughing again when Luz said that.

Luz didn't know why Amity was even laughing at her.

Bawling her hands tightly, she smacked her across the face again.

Amity continued to laugh before finally calming down, the pain didn't even seem clear to her when Luz hit her.

"Oh, Luzy... You call me a monster when you're a monster too." She said.

Luz growled.

"I'm nothing like you..!" She said before a thought hit her in the head.

"This family... This family had a father waiting for them, Amity..! And you..!" She was pent up now, yet the words she wanted to add wouldn't take the hook.

Amity tilted her head.

"I what, Luzy?" She asked under her breath.

Luz's fishes were somehow not taking the bait on the hook.

"You..!" She growled.

Amity sniggered at her, holding herself from laughing as she dropped the axe hard on the blood ridden floor and took a step forward to reach a hand towards Luz.

"Oh, Luzy... If only you knew better than you do now..." She hummed.

Luz growled and threw Amity's blood ridden hand from reaching her face.

"Don't touch me, you pyscho!" She said, venom in her words as she turned around to leave.

Amity's eyes widened a bit as she sneered a wide smile.

"You're leaving now?" She asked.

Luz flinched, pausing mid-way through the open door.

Amity sniggered at her as she walked over to the small fridge and shoved it down.

Its loose door immediately swung open and the crying of a child was clear in Luz's ears to yank her attention back around.

Amity stood by a child, not that old to understand the world it was seeing unfold around them.

Luz shot up and rushed towards the child, helping it up and through its loud whimpering of cries.

Amity laughed at the sudden actions Luz did.

"Why are you getting sensitive over a stranger, Luzy?" She asked as she walked around and stood behind Luz.

Luz ignored her and comforted the child.

Amity laughed darkly.

"You're going to hurt yourself, Luzy..." She said.

Luz didn't realize it due to the blood that had Amity smeared all around the child.

As soon as the child did die, it's jaw had become heavy and Luz was able to see that their tongue had been cut off, it shouldn't have been a wonder for her as to why the child wouldn't open their mouth and kept whimpering to wanting to cry badly.

Amity hummed a tune as she slowly crouched down and slowly rested her arms down on Luz's shoulders.

"That's it, Luzy... That look of desperation is what I want to see." She whispered.

Luz gulped and slowly held the corpse towards herself, hugging it tightly as the warmth around it was slowly disappearing.

"Go on... Hate me." Amity laughed quietly when she leaned forward to whisper it to Luz's ear.

Luz was trembling. This rage was... New to her, she hadn't felt this rage since her last tantrum when she was just very young and naive.

Shutting her eyes close, she began muttering to herself while trying to calm herself from doing anything irrational.

"Do it... You have all the time in the world at the moment... You can hit me, stab me, even kill me right now, Luzy." Amity continued to tempt her.

Like the demon on your shoulder, Amity was very aware of what kind of monster she was dealing with here.

Still, Luz fought the urge to throw it all downhill.

Amity hummed, still smiling, she chuckled when a thought had crossed her mind.

"Your mother must not know what kind of monster she's raising, right? I wonder how disappointed she'll be when she finds out you killed an elderly and a man with your bare hands." She whispered.

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