Chapter 90: Bestia dramática

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"Is it ready?" Belos asked.

Kikimora nodded.

"Don't worry, Sir, I've prepared everything." She said.

Belos smiled and said, "that's good that hear. Just make sure that the machine is working properly to cause hellfire."

"Of course, Sir." Kikimora nodded again.


"Lily, tu es nicht.(Lily don't do it.)" Eda said, clutching Lilith's hand firmly.

Lilith only smiled at her and said, "Ich muss das tun, sonst könnte etwas Schlimmes passieren.(I have to do this or something bad could happen.)"

Eda frowned.

"Nein! Du kannst nicht gehen !!(No! You can't go!!)" She yelled.

"Edalyn, ich muss.(Edalyn, I have to.)" Lilith sighed.

"Es ist mir egal, ob du musst! Du bist jetzt hier! Die Clawthorne-Schwestern sind jetzt hier und sie sind hier, um wieder in den Arsch zu treten!(I don't care if you have to! You are here now! The Clawthorne sisters are here now, and they're here to kick the ass again!)" Eda protested.

Lilith clicked her tongue and grabbed for the handle.

"Halt! Lily!(Stop! Lily!)" Eda screamed whilst embracing Lilith.

"Edalyn!!" Lilith wheezed over the squeeze as she tried to break free.

"Bitte geh nicht !!(Please don't go!!)" Eda cried out.

Lilith sighed and pushed her aside.

"Verdammt, ich habe dir gesagt, ich muss Miete bezahlen.(Damn, I told you I have to pay rent.)" She scoffed.

"Aber wer würde die Sitcom mit mir sehen?(But who would watch the sitcom with me?)" Eda hissed.

"Fragen Sie Ihren Haustiervogel oder Ihren sprechenden Hund, Sie verdammter Erwachsener!(Ask your pet bird or talking dog, you goddamn adult!)" Lilith said before slamming the door.

"Aaaaarrghh - aber Owlbert schläft und King ist draußen, wahrscheinlich mit jemandem, soweit es mich interessiert!(Aaaaarrghh--but Owlbert is sleeping and King is out, probably with someone as far as I'm interested!)" Eda growled and stormed back to the living room.


"Stop." Willow said.

"Why? Am I annoying?" Amity taunted Willow for her sudden pause.

Willow sighed before standing back up after peeking under the house.

The dog wasn't there.

"C'mon, Will, let's go back. It's probably dead." Amity shrugged.

"Mittens, I will change into a hunter and kill you." Willow said, a threatening smile laid across her face as she walked up to the porch of the house to peek through the window.

She looked through before flinching and yanking herself down with both hands on her mouth.

Amity raised a brow.

Walking over, she sat down beside Willow and asked, "what's up?"

Willow glanced over to her and only whispered, "somebody's in the house."

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