Chapter 50: Fin de la temporada 1

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Three knocks were more than enough to get Bump to look up from his book and take his reading glasses off to answer his office door.

Opening it, he was greeted by Amity waving at him while holding someone's hand.

Amity's shirt was tainted in red.

Bump sighed and rubbed his temple before asking, "what is it that I can help you with, Chase?"

Amity smiled before pointing at Luz who meekly smiled at him.

"Aren't you the prey that hosted the infamous public round?" Bump asked while leaning down to examine Luz's expression and features.

Amity raised a hand and slowly pulled him back for it.

"Hm... I should've realized sooner a student will tell the prey about the dick move sooner or later." Bump said, chuckling as he made way for them inside his office.

Luz sat down, wincing as she kept her arm around her stomach. Man... What a strong hit.

"Let's see... Name?" Bump began as he sat down taking out papers from under his desk.

"Uhm, Luz... Luz Noceda." Luz muttered.

Amity sat back, leaning carelessly as she sat waiting and watching the two converse.

"So, Luz... Or should I just call you Lee?" Bump pondered.

"Luz would be better." Luz chuckled.

Bump nodded before saying, "then you can call me principal Baker."

Luz nodded.

"Now that all of that is now out of the way, please fill out these papers and we can move on to the next steps." Bump said before handing a few paperwork and a pen towards Luz.

Luz gingerly took it before taking the offered pen.

Amity smiled.

"You seem a little shy, Luzy." She cooed.

Luz blushed a bit before saying, "I guess since you're here..?"

Amity chuckled at the remark.

"Eres mío, Luzy, y solo mío.(You are mine, Luzy, and mine alone.)" She said.

Luz meekly smiled with Bump chuckling out of sheer amusement.

"Parece que te gusta la presa, Chase. (You seem to like the prey, Chase.)" He pondered.

Amity shrugged while Luz hurried in her reading and writing. Somehow, Luz's capabilities on reading had grown efficient, in a way that, it would seem her IQ had risen to a point in her brain working.

After a while of silence though, she was finished with it.

"Is there anything else I need to do after this?" Luz asked.

Bump nodded before saying, "we'll have to put you to the test."

Luz was confused.

'¿Prueba?(Test?)' she thought as Bump stood up and made his way towards the grey filing cabinets, turning his back around, he rummaged a bit while reading through the signed paperwork.

Amity rolled her eyes before saying, "¿Sabes cómo usar una pistola?(Do you know how to use a gun?)"

Luz shook her head in denial.

"¿Qué tal un cuchillo?(How about a knife?)" Amity asked.

Luz shook her head again.

Amity stared at her, a frown becoming clear in her face that it made Luz perk up in worry.

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