Chapter 3: Genuino pero sin corazón

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Luz whistled a soft tune as she sat on the benches scrolling through her new phone. Well, she still had her other phone which still works but was just plain old to her with memory and storage problems with all the things she has in it.

Want to know what they are?

Some of them are anime pictures, clips, for AMVs, and all, I'm not telling the rest here.

"Morning, kid, you're early in the park today..."

Luz perked up to see Eda walking past her and sitting on the other bench.

"Morning to you too, Miss. Eda, and hey, where's your pet owl..? Owlbert was it, right??" She chuckled humming.

"Ohh, he's in that vet far over there, he's still pretty young and today is his check-up," Eda replied while taking in the peaceful moment.

Luz hummed, "That's pretty caring of you."

Eda grinned sighing, commenting, "Sometimes, you're a pretty nice human to have a conversation with..."

Luz laughed a bit before replying with, "Well, thanks and that's a pretty weird way of you to talk to other humans too."

"Oh, I'm nothing like you, kid..." Eda snickered laughing.

"Huh? How so??" Luz tilted her head slightly while asking when she turned to her.

"I was once known as Eda the Owl Lady, just former Owl Lady with a least used hound name Emersion... I gave that 'title' to someone else to uphold for... Our family line." Eda said before crossing her legs and looking over to see someone rush over them.

It was a dog, "Eda!"

Luz gasped when she heard it talk.

Eda laughed and ruffled the canine's head when it sat down beside her on the bench.

"Don't worry, kid, my pal here has a collar that can translate anything he can say just by thinking." She said, 'I paid thousands for it to work well from Alador....'

There was slight drool over the dog's face as it leaned forward to tilt its head over to Luz with a curious look.

"Hey! What's your name??" He asked.

"Uhh... Luz, and you are..?" Luz hummed.

"I'm King!"

Eda laughed a bit and raised a thumb.

"He's a sweet companion... I met him when he was just small." She said.

"Aww..." Luz cooed over.

"Oh, by the way, here. I know we're strangers and all, but I like giving stuff. So have this, that'll be useful to you." Eda chided as she took out the small present from one of her pockets.

Luz raised a brow when she handed her a pocket knife.

"Uhm..? A butterfly knife?? I don't know how to use these." She meekly laughed while trying to twist and turn it, only to fail at the attempt.

Eda laughed when she saw her attempting.

"You'll need it, kid, so I'm gonna teach you how to use it." She said.



Edric was brought hitting a wall, falling to his knees from the impact behind his back, he grunted, "Ugh..! Wow!"

"Hah! Classic, Apsat," Amity laughed as she rocked herself back and forth in a slow-paced motion in her seat far away from them.

Emira wiped the grime off of her cheek as she twisted the butterfly knife in one hand, showing off a few tricks before popping off a few stiff joints thereafter.

"Ok... I suck at handling up-close combat, but that doesn't mean I suck at using a gun in a knife fight with you two." Edric wheezed a laugh out of his system as he stood up and stretched his back to straighten himself up in a jiffy.

Amity chuckled.

"Oh, Apsat, you should understand by now whenever Chase would laugh at your skull getting cracked open. Just call it quits already." Emira said as she crouched down and rested her hands on her knees with her face on her chin.

"Oh, yeah?? And what if I don't want to quit?" Edric snickered while fixing his left arm back in place with a loud pop, "Arghh--!!"

He had to scream in pain and shock of it.

Amity sighed before saying, "Oh, Apsat, when I said you'll never outdo us in any close combat fights with a knife, I didn't mean that as a challenge, I meant it as it is."

Edric frowned.

"Because y'know the moment you fail to impress neither mom nor dad, you're a goner. You'll either be killed because you've seen too much of everything in this business or you get locked up like the others down underground." Amity continued as she stood up and began walking toward the twins.

"We don't know what they want from us other than hunting every prey that's assigned to any of us. It's a strict rule that if we fail to kill the prey before the timer runs out, they'll have us killed for it but that's unlikely to happen unless the prey decides to kill us instead." She continued, making Emira frown and walk over to her.

"Chase, stop that, you're scaring us here." She nagged while putting a hand on Amity's shoulder.

Amity's eyes looked dull to them.

"Amity, we understand... You're tired, smug, murderous, and... No longer human." Edric sighed shrugging both arms as he walked over and took a knee in front of her.

Amity didn't feel anything when she was brought a hug by them.

"They literally took my heart and replaced it with who knows what, Apsat... What makes you think this hug will make me feel any better with everything?" She hummed while clutching Edric's shirt.

Edric didn't care much.

"We know, Amity... But this hug is for us so at least, let us do this much..!" Emira said as she ruffled Amity's hair a bit.

Amity didn't respond, 'A hug for them, huh....'

"Let's go grab dinner somewhere. Mom and dad won't be home from North Korea anytime soon. It's hard hunting a prey that's hiding in a very strict place." Edric said as he carried Amity up in both arms who could care less anymore and just decided to rest her head on his shoulder.

"Let's go to an arcade too while we're at it, ehh, Amity..? You love going to the arcades, right?" Emira added while charming a welcoming smile.

'I never said that,' Amity just chuckled at their attempts in front of her.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go grab dinner and maybe head over to the arcades while we're at it too..." She said.

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