Chapter 29: Emira

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Luz breathed in the air outside before falling to her knees.

Her feet somehow didn't want to help her anymore as her mind went frantic of the moment she was now in.

She had almost been used as a goat in a cult which made her very frightened, and she doesn't even know how she got in the place she was now or where she was even in the first place.

But she knows this would be the works from the business.

It's always them, right?

Trying to calm her heart down, she clutched her chest before looking up when she saw two black shoes in front of her.

Her eyes widened as she yanked herself backward, barely missing the knife that swung for her eyes.

Wincing at the thin scar in her face, she wiped a tang of blood that came from the open wound as she was immediately met with a kick in the face, bruising her lips in the process.


"Damn..!" She growled as she tried to get to her feet.

Booking it out of there for whoever was trying to attack her at the moment.

She ran by tree after tree before finally tripping on a rock and falling face forward to the ground. The sound of the river clear to her ears as she tried to stand up while groaning.

Her left eye had been wounded badly enough for it almost make it seem like she had went blind on her left. That would be terrifying to know.

Trying to take in the moment to calm her racing heart from making her unconcious once more.

She sat up to find the man who was chasing her to suddenly drop dead beside her and down the river.

"Are you ok?"

Luz flinched and yanked her gaze up to see one of the Blights. Emira.

Emira stared at her for a while before crouching down close to her level.

"You're ok, right?" She asked.

Luz didn't know what to say.

Well, Emira tried to kill her not once but twice already. And she almost succeeded in her second go if it weren't for the assistant present in the moment.

You'll hope she's doing fine.

Luz perked up and nodded without hesitation.

Emira just stared at her for a bit more before smirking and reaching something from her side pocket.

"Hold still," she said as she reached forward with Luz shutting her eyes tight for anything bad.

But none came.

Opening her eyes again, Emira was smiling.

Blinking a few times, she felt something different, reaching with her hands, Emira tried to give some sort of small healing patch to her wounded left eye.

"I don't have any bandaids in me so you can have that healing patch instead. Those only work great on any eye related injuries anyway." Emira said.

Luz hummed as Emira sat down beside her and continued with, "and if you're gonna ask, yeah, it can make you new eyes if your eyeball is the one that's completely injured than around your eye."

"What?" Luz gulped.

Emira laughed.

"I said it's a healing patch, very special, made from the business. You better not tell anyone I gave you a healing patch, Amity would kill me for you and the business would call this treason five." She said between laughs.

Luz gave her a confused look.

"What?? Me? For... For you??" She muttered.

Emira smiled.

"Didn't you know?" She asked.

"Uhh, know what?" Luz asked.

"That my young sister has a very good liking for you?" Emira sniggered.

Luz shot up with wide eyes that stared up at Emira's calm gaze.

"What does that mean?" Luz mumbled.

Emira shrugged.

"I dunno how it started with you two, and I don't know how it even went with you two." She said before continuing with, "but what I do know is that she likes you, and she'd kill for you no matter the situation. Hell, she'll kill me or Apsat if we got in her way for you."

Luz huffed.

"No mercy, huh?" She pondered.

"That's what she was taught when she was young, we were taught differently from her. An experiment on our mental stability and health, to see which one is more efficient than the other after that... Incident." Emira said.

"Oh, like what?" Luz asked.

"Well, Amity was raised to be a monster with no heart. I mean with no heart at all, an illegal surgery was done on her, luckily the doctors hired were professionals who were fired from a small malpractice while working as legal doctors after they were sued. Neither I or Apsat know what her new heart is now so we keep a close eye on her." Emira said.

Luz clutched her legs with both hands. She hugged herself tighter before asking, "is she... Ok?"

Emira perked up.

"You're worried for her, huh..?" She asked before saying, "well, I don't know where she is at the moment."

"Why aren't you trying to kill me?"

The blurted question from Luz's mouth felt a little out of place for Emira who cleared their throat for it.

"Your public round had a problem and the business is trying to fix it at the moment. Don't worry though, it'll be fixed after 24 hours, and Amity doesn't really want any of us to be touching you." Emira said.

Luz squinted her eyes towards her before grabbing her phone out of her pocket to check.

Emira was telling the truth. Her public round had a small problem.

Luz stood up and took a few steps backward from Emira who crossed their legs watching her do so.

"So... Do you need something else??" Emira asked.

Luz frowned and shook her head before she realized she did need something.

"Do you know where Amity is?" She asked.

Emira shrugged.

"I have not a single clue where she is, and that worries me if you're worried." She said.

Luz huffed.

That wasn't a helpful answer at all.

Turning around, she was ready to book it again if it weren't for Edric bumping into her at the last second.

Luz shrieked a bit in surprise as she stepped away to give him space.

Edric stared at her with a frown while saying, "Holter, why are you letting her run around like this is a playground??"

Emira chuckled at his remark.

"Relax, Apsat, she has nowhere to go, Chase will get angry if we tried to stop her." She said.

"And besides that too, she might also know where Chase could be too." She added.

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