Chapter 87: Anillos

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Luz was red in face staring back at Amity.

"Why aren't you driving..?" She muttered while sticking herself far away from Amity.

Amity grinned at her.

"This is a portal that activates every midnight." She said before showing the time.

They had just a few minutes before the supposed portal activates.

"Ok, but why are you so close??" Luz said.

Amity chuckled before kissing her lips.

Luz fell into a trance with her hands reaching over Amity.

"S... Stop, wait..." Luz muttered trying to pull her away.

Amity raised a brow, pausing.

Luz flushed averting her eyes before saying, "we can't... We can't kiss."

"Oh? Why?" Amity wondered.

Luz grumbled a bit before saying, "because if we do I'll owe you bigger."

Amity snickered.

"You're smart." She said before pecking her cheek.

Luz whined.

"Stop!!" She said.

Amity laughed at her remark.

'How cute.' she thought before saying, "and how are you planning to show your love towards me without kissing?"

Luz frowned.

"I hate you so much." She breathed under a flushed face.

Amity laughed petting her in the head.

"There, there, Luzy." She said.

Luz stared at her with a deep frown.

"Why..?" She muttered.

"Why what?" Amity asked.

"Why are you... Being nice to me?" Luz muttered.

Amity paused, a little surprised by the question before smiling as she said, "because you're different."

Luz was confused.

"Different how?" She asked.

"You're the only one I've taken a liking for and nobody else." Amity said.

"What?? How exactly?? I'm not special, and you have lots of exes that are much attractive or strong too." Luz blurted.

Amity sighed under a smile, sitting back down on her seat, she stretched her arms out a bit before saying, "let's just say you have this charm that makes me want to be nice. Even the twins say the same things too."

Luz sat upright.

"My charm??" She asked.

Amity nodded.

"And let's just say when I first saw you in that alleyway almost on the verge of tears when I pinned you, I fell in love." She said.

Luz felt sickness inside her to gag.

"Uhh..." She was almost speechless.

Amity snickered at her before saying, "your face was really cute back then when you fell forward and met my eyes, I just couldn't help but wonder what'd happen if I suddenly made a move on you."

Luz flushed.

"Whaaaaatt--???" She sighed.

"I love you."

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