Chapter 20: Idiotas gay

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Amity sat there scrolling through her phone while ever so often slowly dozing off, but would snap back awake because she was around gay people at the moment in this very swell late evening.

"Is there a chance I can stab you, Van?" She wondered after yawning.

Viney felt a trickle of sweat over the question as she could only let out a, "huh?? Wait, w... What..!?"

Emira was quick to force her to laugh as she grabbed Amity up in both arms.

"Ok... Upsy daisy, someone's tired now, huh..? Does baby sister want to sleep now?" She cooed over while carrying Amity to bed.

"I'm not tired." Amity huffed while glancing over Emira and towards Edric who just sighed.

"Well, beer before liquor, never been sicker..." Jerbo shrugged over.

"Hey... By the way, where's Bamberg, Jarrow??" Van asked she finally took notice of the smallest problem in their situation.

"Oh, uhh... I sort of yelled at him to go without me so I'm not sure where he ran off to, but he grew up here so he knows his way around if he wants to come back home. He's probably in our room at the moment even, not like he doesn't know a lot of people here..." Jerbo said.

Viney hummed before grabbing her phone out of her pocket.

"I'll call him." She said.

"Oh, don't forget to ask him if he's busy or anything. We might get him to do a little something like per usual again." Jerbo said, chuckling a bit in amusement as Emira finally walked back out of Amity's room.

"Keep it low you three, Amity's fast asleep right now." Emira said before walking over to sit beside Viney on the couch opposite Jerbo and Edric.

"By the way, Holter... I've always wondered, well, I and Jarrow have been wondering actually." Viney began as she sat up leaning a bit towards Emira.

Emira hummed and listen close.

"Why isn't the prey dead until now?? Chase is in the round itself too, so doesn't it mean that she's already gonna be the one who's gonna successfully kill the prey?" Viney asked.

Edric and Emira exchanged worried glances at each other.

"Ok... Don't judge or freak out over this but..." Emira started.

Jerbo and Viney listened close.

"Our sister has taken a very obsessive liking to Lee." Edric said.

"What..?" Jerbo and Viney blurted out in unison. Like their minds were one at the moment there.

"By that, we mean she somehow gets easily jealous, upset, happy, or even mad if the right combinations are given directly towards Lee." Emira said.

"Doesn't that mean she's gone soft? If any senior, instructor or even worse the principal or Belos himself finds out. Your family name of bloodline will be at stake, right?" Viney theorized.

Jerbo nodded at the theory before saying, "and not only that too, you're parents could get upset at not only her but you two as well because you're the older ones here."

The twins took their moment to process those in their heads now.

"Ok... Well... To be honest with you two, we don't care, or more likely, is that we've never cared at all here, all we've ever cared about is Chase's sake." Emira said.


Jerbo and Viney were both stunned at the response they got.

"Huh... I thought the Blights were very wary with their statuses, guess Bamberg's little theory was not right at all." Jerbo hummed as he laid back on the couch.

"Yeah... That's what everyone assumes to be as always... I mean, yeah, we can be both scary and violent as crowned true-blooded hunters, but we still have the hearts to not care over something that stupid in life." Emira said.

Edric snickered at her before saying, "you mean the life where we were shoved into complete assassination training for hunting before Chase?"

Emira was quick to throw an empty gun magazine at him.

"Ow... What the hell... Oh, hey, I've been looking for this since yesterday." Edric chirped up as he grabbed the magazine from the floor and tucked it away inside his pocket.

"Anyway, what the hell was that for?" He said as he gave a calm yet aggressive glare towards his twin.

"What you said wasn't funny but rude for me..." Emira scowled.

Viney and Jerbo stared at the twins who were now... Somehow doing a passive-aggressive yet quiet bantering at each other for an argument.

"Boy, they do keep their voices indoor at all cost." Jerbo whispered over.

"I know... No wonder the Blights are what the instructors and the principal always call born and raised perfections." Viney whispered back.

"I didn't mean to agitate you, ok? Not like I made that dark humorous joke in front of Chase." Edric said.

"Well, it's quite a saving that you didn't make that up while Chase was still awake because I would've pummeled you to the floor by then." Emira said.

"Should we stop them? They are hunters, after all. Might go violently insane at each other if this keeps up, right?" Viney asked.

"I dunno about that though, but I just wanna keep watching and see where this goes. It's sort of fun for some reason." Jerbo replied.

"Oh, now you're bringing mom and dad to the talk? 'Eesh... You're horrible at standing on your own, huh??" Emira scoffed.

"Says the one who can't aim to be better than me." Edric taunted.

Emira gasped in shock as she said, "that pun is overrated."

Scowling completely out of pure anger towards Edric, she bawled her fists tightly with Edric doing just the same thing as her.

"Ok, that's enough. You two are not going to be trying to kill each other for the evening, ok?" Jerbo said as he pulled Edric back beside him.

"Hahah... Yeah... You two just ate dinner two hours ago and Chase is sleeping, wouldn't want to wake the murderous little beany now, ehh..?" Viney said as she patted Emira back down on the couch.

The twins were still glaring fire and knives at each other before finally sitting it back down to another casual argument.

"You two are such idiots sometimes..." Viney commented.

"Tough luck, you two can be idiots like me and Holter, but worse." Edric commented back.

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