Chapter 72: Susto

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"What?" Amity asked.

Edric paused, surprised when he heard Amity finally take notice of him.

"Uh-huh... Well, Holter wanted me to pick you up." He said.

"Pick me up for what?" Amity asked.

"Chase, we're going to the mall." Edric shrugged.

"And?" Amity huffed, standing up, she stretched her arms out a bit before glancing over the direction Luz had walked off to.

"Chase?" Edric called softly and then asking, "what's wrong this time?"

Amity glanced over to him, unfazed by his saddened look as she said, "nothing too big, I and Luz just fought again."

Edric nodded in understanding.

"Well, are you going to be busy trying to fix your relationship again?" He asked turning around to walk.

"Hm... She seemed madder than our last arguments between each other, I'll go to the mall with you two." Amity said, patting her arms a bit as she followed beside Edric.

Edric snickered a bit before saying, "why? Are you scared??"

"Not really, she seemed to need this... Time alone to herself." Amity shrugged.

"Does that bother you?" Edric asked.

"No." Amity huffed.


Luz screamed into his pillow like a madman she had always been.

Who was she even to herself to just hit Amity like that? Who was she even to just walk away after cussing Amity off like that?

All in all, she felt miserably mad at herself.

How will she face Amity now after doing that to her?

"¿Por qué soy tan estúpido?(Why am I so stupid?)" She pondered to herself.

Melting unto the bed like a useless doll, she stared at her closet, it's right door ajar open as she blinked ever so tiredly trying to figure out how to solve her problem.

"She probably hates me now doesn't she..." She mumbled tiredly before succumbing to sleep.


Amity watched as Edric tried to shoot the ball to the moving hoop.

He had good skills with basketball.

"Breaking your record again, huh?" Amity wondered.

"I guess so." Edric shrugged as he continued to shoot countless times without fail. Honestly, if he were to be paired into a team for a basketball ball league, he would be the main star out of everyone from his team in starting rounds until the ending rounds.

'I wonder... If Luz really meant hitting Amity just like that hours ago...' he wondered aimlessly, his hands not weakening one bit over each shot he made with the hoop.

He only snapped from his trance right when the buzzer on the arcade machine ring out loud, telling him he had now passed over his original high score.

And the second louder buzzer told him his time was over.

"Well done." Emira praised her twin's skills before walking off.

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