Chapter 49: Propiedad

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Boscha yanked Amity by her chin and kept a frown on her face.

Amity snickered at her though.

"Chase, am I not enough?" Boscha asked.

"Enough? You're enough what?" Amity asked as she pulled Boscha's hand down and continued down the hallway.

Boscha growled and hurried beside Amity.

"Who are you meeting with..!?" She asked.

"That's none of your concern." Amity hummed before finding the stairs leading downward.

"It is my concern!" Boscha yelled.

Amity only shrugged at her while descending.

She only paused when she took a whiff of a different scent in the air that even Boscha noticed it.

"Why is your scent over there too..?" Boscha asked.

"Really can't leave without me, huh..." Amity stared at nothing before frowning.

Boscha clicked her tongue and rushed at the location of the smell.

It was farther than she thought as she swore there was a sudden shift of it. She winced a bit when she had a whiff of something sweeter than sugar cubes and honeycombs together.

"Blood..." She breathed in before flinching when someone darted past her, almost shoving her aside to trip as whoever did shove her disappeared just as immediately as they appeared.






Luz fell to her knees when they kneed her in the gut.

Breathing heavily, she could smell the blood that seeped through her arm after he had swung a knife at her.

"That's not enough, hold her up."

Luz fought back even in her weak state when she was pulled back up to her feet by two boys by the shoulder.

Wincing as her bruises felt burns than hits on her face.

"I don't know why but... After I smelled my ex-girlfriend's scent on you, it pisses me off..."

Luz clicked her tongue.

"What the hell are you even talking about..!?" She scoffed.

There was no hesitation when he punched her in the face hard.

"Amity... Was supposed to love me..."


"We were supposed to get back together when she finally accepts me again."


"But somehow, you... Being this weak somehow made her love you..? What the fuck?"


"You're worthless... A piece of shit while I'm useful, a work of art for a fucking hunter."

Luz spat out blood as she tried to find herself a breather over the hits she had endured.

"Oh, shit... You've got good endurance for someone weak."

Luz wheezed a fit of laughter as she kept her head down.

"Y'now... I don't know why she likes me too... I didn't even do anything special for her to like me, I'm a weirdo in my school, the kid who's out of place but y'now what... She actually liked me and somehow, no matter what I feel right now, I feel safe knowing she's close by, what fucks do I give if you're her desperate ex-boyfriend? I feel safe y'now." She said.

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