Chapter 17: No socios

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Amity whistled a tune in her grinning lips as she made a round around the docks.

Looking around each corner and side of every sight available for her to see.

She would casually laugh a bit, amusing herself of everything around her in the docks before finally. Bumping into someone unexpected of call.


Amity frowned upon the dog and Owl below her.

"I hate birds..." She muttered as she reached out towards Owlbert.

Without a second did King bark at her, literally did he attempt to bite her hand off if it weren't for her, yanking him by the muzzle.

King growled and fought over the grip that forced his snarling mouth shut.

"Keep it down, will you..?" Amity hummed before she heard a yell behind her.

"What the hell are you doing here, kid!? This is private property!"

For a man, he sounded a bit deranged in his yelling that it sounded as if he was close to a stage of hallucination.

King stopped in his attempts of fighting back as Amity just stared at him with gold-laced glowing eyes.

"Are you calmed down now?" She asked with a tilted head as she slowly took her hand back.

King huffed, moving his nose a bit before glancing behind Amity. His eyes widened as he plunged forward, biting and tearing at the man's face that he brought down in one go of his weight.

Amity watched, her eyes widening a bit as she watched him ruin the man's face into complete obscurity.

"Oh, now that's a good boy..." She commented before walking past King who was still fighting the man whose face was ruined in tearing.


Luz coughed when another bucket of cold water was dunk on her head.

Wheezing in her coughs, she breathed heavily as she tried to look forward.

"For a prey... You're young, stupid, naive, and worse than all of that... You're also weak." Tibbles said as he leaned forward.

Luz retched over the smell of her mask, making her yank herself back trying to hold a hurl in his mouth.

Tibbles chuckled before giving her space as he walked over to the iron table and grabbed a glistening pair of scissors.

"Who are you? Are you one of them!?" Luz asked.

"Oh, I'm better than those jokes for clowns from the business." Tibbles said as he walked back over and grabbed one of Amity's tied hands.

Luz's eyes widened and she began to stammer in panic.

"Woah! Woah!! Hey! Hey! Hey!!"

Tibbles paused, the scissors close to cutting Luz's index finger.

"Hmm..?" He hummed.

"W... Why are you doing this!? I don't even know what I ever did to you!!" Luz stammered, her breathing beginning to get harsh for her lungs as she felt her hands visibly tremble.

Not from the cold, but from the adrenaline rush of fear and others.

"Because... You're the prey... And the prey should know pain before they're killed." Tibbles said.

Luz gulped as she stammered out, "what do you mean by that?? Y... You're not even on the list of hunters!"

"Oh, fuck the list!! I was known as the greatest hunter! If it weren't for that wretched Edalyn Clawthorne and her older sister..! I would've survived and won!" Tibbles yelled, growling as Luz backed her face away when she swore she felt something had dropped on her wet face.

Was it spit? Perhaps.

Tibbles huffed, fixing his posture and demeanor as he steadied the scissors again, making Luz shut her eyes and look away.

"This building is a large fish market, Lee, I've worked here in hiding. Everyone around you is from the business, they're all failed seniors and will watch me cut your fingers one by one. So open your eyes and scream all you like, because nobody will hear you--..!?!"

Luz opened her eyes to hear what everyone else in the room was hearing.

Someone was whistling.

And nobody in the room was whistling here.

"I hate the smell of raw fish... Hey, King, do you think the sevenths guy was telling the truth moments ago..?"

Tibbles stood upright and gestured to the guy near the open doors.

It wasn't, later on, did the guy come back raising their hands and kneeling on the wet grey floors.

Everyone was put on edge to raise their guards up as the whistling grew louder and louder.

"What are you doing on the floor!? Get up!" Tibbles yelled.

Luz winced when the sharpness of her breathing began to make her chest ache.

"Aghh... Grrugh--"

She growled as she tried to withstand the pain surging through her.

Tibbles was brought into a confused state as he watched Luz lower her head when she gritted her teeth and bawled her fists tightly.

"Found you..."

His attention was then immediately yanked back to the open doors to see King and Amity.

"Who are you two!?" He yelled.

"Me? You can call me Chase." Amity said as she looked around the room, her right hand, toying with a gold lacing edge for a butterfly knife.

Tibbles huffed, smirking under his mask as he said, "oh, yeah?? And what about your partner?"

Amity glanced over to King before saying, "nahh... We're not partners... King just found that he had more than a bone to pick with someone named Mrs. Tibbles..."

Tibbles flinched and took a step back.

"Actually... I think he wants the skull and ribcage, and ohh... Maybe the pelvis and spinal cord too even." Amity said while counting it all down in one empty hand.

"Tsk! What the hell are you all doing just standing there!? Do something!! Kill them!!!" Tibbles yelled as he pointed a pair of scissors towards Luz.


Tibbles glanced over when one called for his attention.

"We can't kill a Blight... If we do that, we'll all die."

"We all die!! So what!??" Tibbles yelled back.

"Boss, you don't understand, she's a child from the bloodline of Blights, the new bloodline of hunters in the business, if we hurt one of the Blights, they'll hurt us far worse than humanely imaginable." Another said.

Tibbles stood there, speechless as his fists tightened and with him raising the scissors.

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