Chapter 12: Cobarde

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Luz lumped air inside her throat when Amity plunged the knife close to her face, missing her on purpose, she gulped.

She felt the slow yet agitating pain on her cheek when she felt around it to see red on her hands' fingertips.

"And why won't you?" Amity asked while leaning forward, clutching the knife tightly that stuck itself to the wall.

"Amity, I'm not afraid of you," Luz said, trying to stand her ground.

"Not only are you a coward over everything but you're also a stubborn mule..." Amity sighed, taking the knife out of the wall with a few broken bits falling off.

Luz watched her walk away.

"I can't kill something unless they're fun... And you, Luzy.. aren't fun," Amity said, "I'll give you some time to think about it, you can even call for me if you ever need help even, have that head as a present though..."

She disappeared right then and there.

Luz frowned when she did get a better view of Amity's back, all she could do was tremble in her footing of the large splatter of blood on her jacket.

Amity had killed something bigger than her while she was unconscious.

She was mesmerized by the darkness for a few more moments before a notification from her phone made her shoot up, snapping herself from her trance. Looking down, her location was hidden once again and all she could see was a dot walking towards her with another walking opposite from her.

'That must be Amity!' she thought as she broke into a run for the one that was walking away from her.


"Van, are you sure we're going the right way?? I and Bamberg have been walking for quite a while now."

"I'm still fixing your phones, and don't worry, you're still going the right way, Jarrow."

That reassurance from Viney didn't help Jerbo or his friend for a dog Barcus here.

"Whatever you say, Van.... Just make sure that you don't get us sidetracked anywhere, okay?" He sighed while he and Barcus leaped over a broken wooden wall.

A small bump from Barcus's paw made him shriek and jump away. He raised a brow, glancing over to what had scared Barcus only to find himself jumping away in fright too.

"Jarrow?? Bamberg!?? What's wrong!?" Viney yelled through the radio.

Jerbo fumbled on his hold as he stammered out, "Oh! Uhh--we just... Just found a decapitated head that's all!"

"Huh!? A decapitated what!??" Viney stammered in confusion as she checked her phone.

"I think it's from a Hunter because of the H in its face. Uhg..! Her eyes were stabbed backward!" Jerbo said before he began hurling.

Barcus led him away, allowing him to throw up from disgust, he whined a bit with worry.

"Jarrow?? Jarrow, are you ok!?" Viney asked as concern began to uprise.

Jerbo huffed, wiping his chin as he tried to steady a breather, muttering, "I'm... I'm fine, I just got kind of sick looking at the head."

"Well, just ignore the head, the business will take care of it themselves, remember? Just stick to the ticket and find the prey." Viney said before continuing with, "Oh, and don't let Barcus way too near the head, he might try to sniff it and find the lower body."

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