Chapter 31: Día

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Luz's eyes widened and she immediately screamed when she lunged at Amity, pinning her down to the floor before throwing a punch to her face.

Breaking her nose in the process of doing so.

"I didn't kill anyone! I didn't kill anyone!! I didn't kill anyone!!!" She yelled while continuously hitting her.

After a while of punching through her tears, her hands grew weak and she immediately fell crying aloud on top of Amity.

Amity stared at her. She was disappointed at the results she got.

Sighing, she ran a hand on her hair and wiped the smear of blood around her nose.

"You're such a disappointment, Luzy." She said.

Luz sniffled, trying to fight back more tears as she continued to cry her eyes out.

Amity stared at her with a tilted head before she sighed again and reached forward, pulling Luz into a hug.

"There... There..." She said, her words toned to complete hesitation and disgust.

Luz sniffled before clutching Amity's jacket and leaning closer.

Amity felt squeezed in Luz's hold as she stared at the wall feeling nothing and yet, her mind was telling her something felt different with her now.

They stayed like that until the twins found them.

Edric couldn't help but nag Amity a bit over the mess she had done as Emira only nagged her for ruining her clothes.

"It's hard to take blood off of clothes!" Emira said.

"It's hard to get the business to send in people to clean the mess!" Edric said.

Amity didn't care as she was stuck holding onto Luz who didn't want to let go just yet.

"So?" She asked.

The twins frowned at one another at her answer.

Edric sighed as he took out his phone to make a call with Emira quickly helping Amity with her situation.


Amity and Luz stood outside as Edric and Emira talked with the group of adults the business had sent out to clean the mess.

Amity yawned.

She didn't get that much sleep than a three-hour nap in the car.

Honestly, Luz didn't get it that much either after finally falling asleep but suddenly getting followed up with kidnapping for a sacrifice. Lucky her, a random horse came by and scared the cult from continuing with their ritual. Very lucky indeed.


"Yeah, that's about it." Edric said.

One of the men snickered a bit in amusement.

"Should've guessed it would be the youngest Blight, she was raised opposite of you two, right?? Her having no heart but you two having big hearts for her only?" He said.

The twins frowned.

Oh, no. They didn't like that.

The others immediately smacked the guy in the head for it.

"Well, the business will pay you as usual so get to work before someone else sees this scene." Emira said with Edric continuing it with, "yeah, and we need to get our sister home. She's tired."

It was true that Amity was tired. She was resting her head on Luz's shoulder.

Luz didn't notice it in the slightest at all. She was still thinking of what Amity had whispered to her hours ago last night.

Edric huffed before reaching over to carry Amity.

Somehow, it surprised him.

Amity threw his hands away and stood upright as if she was awake this whole time. Traces of her ever being tired was... Nowhere to be seen now.

Luz blinked a few times when Amity's hand did swing, close enough to have almost hit the bridge of her nose.

"Chase..? You don't want upsies??" Emira asked, she was a little surprised too.

Amity has never declined getting carried around. Honestly, she can get lazy when she's tired but she was somehow reaction prone at the moment.

"No." She said before walking off.

The twins watched with Luz perking up a bit when she realized Amity was holding her hand.

Pulling her a bit to hurry on her steps.


Luz sat quietly with Amity sitting beside her.

The ride was peaceful, but that didn't stop Emira from wanting to ask Luz questions.

They still had a few hours until Luz was going to be turned an official prey for hunting again. The situation that needed fixing was going to be done soon.

"Lee," Emira began.

Luz glanced over her.

"Y... Yeah?" She muttered.

Somehow, her throat didn't feel that dry yet she was in a matter of fact hungry.

"What happened?" Emira asked.

Luz felt a cold shiver on her shoulders when Emira asked that. She didn't want to talk about it when she lowered her gaze down to her shoes.

Emira took a glance at the rearview mirror and Luz's face showed the answer.

Sighing, she forgot the question ever existed and only said, "you should, uhm... Take a nap for a bit, you're still probably tired right now."

Luz shook her head in a decline of the suggestion.

Emira shrugged it off. She wasn't a 'someone' for Luz and thus she didn't care to bother too much anymore.


"We're here." Edric said while knocking on the window beside him.

Amity yawned while rubbing an eye awake with Luz finally on the verge of falling asleep from not napping instead.

Emira chuckled in amusement.

"You two are pretty tired, want us to carry you??" She joked.

"No." Amity said as she opened the door beside her before unbuckling her's and Luz's belt.

Luz was a little flustered when Amity did it.

And Amity didn't look all too fazed as she grabbed Luz's hand and pulled her out of the car with her.

"Uhh-" Luz was a little confused.

Edric and Emira just snickered at each other over what just happened before walking out of the car.

"We should... Let Lee off somewhere far away so she can make a fast run for it." Emira suggested while shutting the door behind her.

Edric shrugged.

"I think that's a good idea but... We should ask Chase about it first." He said before locking the car.

Emira nodded.

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