Chapter 5: Las cosa interesante

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Twelve minutes ago.

"Man... I'm stuffed!" Gus huffed while patting his stomach.

"Heh... That's Gus for you." Luz joked laughing.

Willow chuckled as they stood by a wall talking for a bit before Luz decided she needed to use the bathroom.


Luz yawned, looking down, she opened her hands after flushing the toilet she used.

To the sink, she washed her hands before swaying them around dry while looking at her reflection in the mirror, frowning.

She sighed and looked back down at the white sink again.

Tiredly blinking a few times before looking back up again the mirror, she gasped, stockstill frozen when fear struck her with one look trembling.

"Look at you... You're pathetic.."

"S... Shut up..! I'm nothing like you! I'm not--!"

"Hehehh... Oh, I know that, Luz, but your mother doesn't."

"Just shut it!! I don't want to hear anything you have to say to me..!"

"You don't need to..... You're just getting it on to yourself, Luz, you're letting something like me get into your head on your own."

"No! No, I'm not! I'm not!! You--I-I...!"

"You know what you are, Luz, you're something else, you're not just a human in this world. You're something else more powerful than you can imagine and you know it."

"I don't need imaginary friends anymore... I'm... I'm not a kid anymore, I'm fine now, I'm okay, it would be stupid if someone saw me acting like some kid stuck in a fairy tale.."

"But I know you want it... Fantasy.. humanities only great escape from harsh reality. You'll get used to your.. little...... Special... Abilities soon, Luz. You just need more time after all."

"Just shut up already!!!!!"

She gasped when she heard a creak from the bathroom door opening.

Glancing over, she smiled meekly at the older woman halfway inside to use one of the stalls. It was an awkward moment between the two before Luz was left without the woman using any of the stalls.

She sighed.

"Why can't I be 'not' disappointing even for just... One week???" She nagged herself quietly before perking up when she heard her phone ring.

Glancing over as she took her phone out, she turned it on to see a site had opened up.

She stared at it intently.

"Having trouble fitting in..? This game will get you chippered just as long as you like....." She didn't understand what she was reading at first but it soon struck to her head on what it was trying to tell her.

Smiling a bit, she pressed yes. She didn't know any better at all. She was immediately taken to another site.

She blinked a few times while staring at the design a bit in awe. It was simple yet so ethical at the same time.

One Week (lumity/the owl house fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now