Chapter 16: Buscar problemas

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Walking down the streets, king leaped from one place to another with Owlbert following just beside him.

He's been looking around the place for a while now, mostly in search of anybody willing to give up food to offer him.

That's his life alright, and that, Owlbert knew behind Eda's back.

"Hoot." He chirped up.

King glanced over, finishing on the raw meat before taking the bone with him.

"What's up?" He said as he strolled downhill with him.



Luz screamed as she barely dodged a knife aimed for her head if it weren't for Boscha yanking her back by the back of her collar.

"Thank me later." Boscha said before pushing Luz forward to keep running.

Luz was breathing harshly now and that the three knew.

"C'mon, Luz, just a little more. An assistant is close by." Skara said while keeping an eye at the figure that continued to leap house by house from the other side of the road.

'Talk about timing, this attacker seems to know the layout of everything in this neighborhood.' she thought before continuing with, "Lee, don't look back, ok!? Aeson knows the way around, she'll lead you and disappear like us."

Luz gave a confused look as she stammered out, "what? Wait, what!??"

"Bow down!" Willow yelled as another knife missed Luz's head again.

Luz felt a weird boiling pit in her stomach, almost close to feeling the need to hurl and gag on nothing in front of her.

Willow clicked her tongue as she checked her phone again while still keeping an eye at the pursuer in their tail.

Finally, Luz location was given out again.

And she was immediately spotted, not by who was chasing them but to the one close beside the assistant they were trying to close in with.

Suddenly they heard what sounded like a bark from not too far away.

Luz winced as she felt a sickening tightness in her chest to fall to her knees trying to choke out what was stuck in her metallic tasteless throat.

"Lee, c'mon!! They're here! Hang in there! It's broad daylight too y'now!!" Willow stammered out before gasping and running off with a short bitter apology.

There was nothing but another short gasp for air before Luz finally did fall unconscious in the street she was in.

"Bamberg, what is it!??" Jerbo stammered out as he was pulled by his jacket by Barkus who wasn't relenting on letting him go from his jaw.

Jerbo glanced forward to see Luz getting carried by someone in all black, and in broad daylight as well.

He perked up right then on.

"Hey!!!" He yelled as a van from out of nowhere pulled beside Luz and the figure in all black clothing.

Jerbo and Barkus weren't going to make it in time as the van had immediately sped off without much hesitation to who knows where.

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