Chapter 36: Egoísta

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Luz laughed a bit before pausing when Amity suddenly frowned.

"Is... Is something wrong, Amity?" She asked.

Amity hummed before pulling her with her to a back corner of a building.

Luz perked up when she hit the wall.

"Amity?" She called.

Amity chuckled before leaning forward.

Luz's eyes widened a bit as soon as their lips touched.

Calming her racing heart down, she felt everything being out of place as she kept her hands beside her before blinking a few times in surprise after Amity pulled away.

"W... Wow..." She mumbled.


They heard a voice.

Glancing at the source, it was someone Luz knew all too well.

"Osko..?" Luz muttered when she took notice of the boy who stood baffled at the scene.

Amity smiled.

"I never knew you had a boyfriend, Luzy." She said.

Luz felt a shift of feeling as she tried to call out to Oscuro who suddenly walked away with a frown just after he said, "I should've known you'd cheat on me one way or another, Luz."

"W... Wait! Oscuro!" She called out.

Amity grinned as Luz hurried for Oscuro who ran off.

'That was such a strange feeling...' she thought as she slowly reached and touched her lower lip.

"Feelings, huh..." She hummed before sighing and walking off on her own in the shadows.


"Oscuro, wait! Please!!" Luz yelled as she tried to catch up to Oscuro who kept running.

"Please, wait!!" She yelled louder before turning a corner when Oscuro did.

After a while of running, Luz stopped and tried to take a breather as Oscuro stood in a far distance away from her.

'For someone this cute, he gets easily jealous...' she wondered as she tried to clear her throat to speak.

"Osko, please... It wasn't you thought it was." She began.

"Then what the hell was it, Luz!? I thought you said you weren't gay!" Oscuro yelled, his eyes not wanting to meet Luz's as he crossed his arms, back still facing her.

Luz frowned.

"Listen, I... Look, please, I swear I didn't kiss her and besides I'm also Bi here."

She was trying hard to reason her way out of what had happened.

"¿¡Entonces qué pasó, Luz !? Fucking hell!(So what happened, Luz!? Fucking hell!)" Oscuro growled.

Luz clicked her tongue before saying, "please trust me, Osko... I swear I'll explain everything soon..."

There was a moment of silence before Luz felt her phone in her pocket.

Taking it out, her eyes widened.

Her location had been given out, three minutes ago and she was now spotted.

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