Chapter 25: Hombres Locos

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Amity poked Emira's face while watching her still lay unconscious on the bench.

"Holter." She called out while poking Emira's face.


"Holter, wake up already."


"Are you dead?"

For a moment of pause, Amity stared at Emira's unconscious face before she raised her hand and slapped her across the face.

Emira was brought springing up to action and looking around her.

"What!? Where??" She muttered while looking around her.

She was outside and somewhere in the busy streets with Amity.

In front of them was a burger stand and Edric was leaning over the counter eating a burger. Yep, that's him.

"What happened?" Emira asked while rubbing her hit face.

Amity kept herself crouched beside the bench with Emira as she said, "Apsat found you unconscious inside an elevator just before anybody could else get to you."

Emira hummed.

"Oh... Right... I was with Lee at that time with another who I can assume was an assistant." She said.

Amity's attention was caught in its weak spot.

"You found Luzy?" She asked.

Emira nodded before saying, "I was this close to finally getting Lee... If it weren't for whoever that was that knocked me out twice."

Amity smiled while tilting her head in front of Emira who felt a trickle of sweat behind her neck.

"And..?" Amity asked.

"Uhm..." Emira hesitated, glancing over to Edric, he was quick to decline in telling the truth to Amity as she glanced back over to her and said, "that's all."

Amity sniggered at her.

"You hesitated... There's more than that is there?" She asked.

Edric threw his half-finished burger to the trash and immediately grabbed Amity up in their arms.

"Upsy daisy, let's go find Lee now, ehh?" He said, trying his best to distract Amity from Emira.

It worked quite well as Amity's attention was immediately spun to his suggestion.

"Ok." She said.



Eda growled after wincing in pain when she was kicked towards the wall behind her.

Lus was out of it again.

Her head low, her eyes glowing in lustrous malice tainted gold. She walked towards Eda, repeating a question slowly.

"Are you an enemy?"

Eda was confused.

Trying to keep a distance from Lus out of caution, she held the back of her left shoulder while backing away.

Lus breathed slowly as her steps got closer to Eda who continued to back away until she finally hit the wooden wall.

"K... Kid..? What are you doing?" Eda muttered out.

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