Chapter 66: Culpable

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Amity stood in front of the door. Raising a hand, she knocked softly.

It was answered by Luz who flinched and stared at her through a crack of the door.

"Luzy..." Amity hummed.

Luz gripped the handle before slamming the door with Amity quickly putting her foot to keep it open.

"What do you want!?" She yelled.

Amity leaned on the door, thinking her words through before saying, "Me siento culpable, Luzy.(I feel guilty, Luzy.)"

Luz loosened herself from trying to push the door.

"What..?" She muttered.

"Sorry..." Amity mumbled.

Luz gulped before opening the door.

"I know... I can be a heartless asshole sometimes, and sometimes I make it look like I'm just using you for entertainment." Amity began.

Luz crossed her arms and listened.

"But... I care..." Amity shrugged.

"I don't know why I do but I can't help it... It just feels out of place not to. Even after all those times, we've spent together, either it be times you almost get killed. I care way too much for you." She continued.

Luz felt eased down as she sighed and averted her eyes.

"Realmente te odio tanto por ser así alguna vez, Amity.(I really hate you so much for ever being like this, Amity.)" She said.

Amity stared at her and smiled.

Walking inside, she shut the door and raised her arms.

"Back in the park, you wanted to run up to me than run away, right?" She wondered.

Luz flinched. She had been caught.

"Maybe..." She muttered.

Amity chuckled and gestured for a hug.

Luz felt her eyes go teary as she rushed over and wrapped herself around Amity without hesitation.

Amity patted her back.

"Where's your mom?" She asked.

Luz sighed, feeling her warmth as she said, "she went to buy groceries..."

"This early before twelve?" Amity wondered.

Luz nodded before digging her face on Amity's shoulder.

Amity hummed before muttering, "what a grand surprise..."

Luz sighed deeply.

Amity stared in front of her before pulling Luz down on the couch with her.

Luz was caught in a bit of surprise when she did so.

"Tonto, no hagas eso sin avisar.(Silly, don't do that without warning.)" She grumbled.

Amity chuckled and rested her head low.

"I'm tired." She mumbled.

Luz huffed, holding her closer.

"Are you sure you want to sleep on the couch..?" She muttered.

Amity cracked an eye open and glanced down at Luz.

"You prefer the bed, ¿cariño?(sweetie?)" She asked.

Luz flushed and immediately hit her by the jaw.

Amity only laughed it off patting Luz's back.

"Just let me have a nap," she said.

Luz stared at her.

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