Chapter 18: Luzy

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Amity was laughing her ass off as she sat on top of a short wall.

Luz stood in a fair distance away from her, she was out of it again.

"Are you... An enemy?" She muttered.

Amity soon calmed down, chuckling everything down as she glanced up at Luz who's face went stone cold in expression. It even seemed like Luz had never taken any interest in showing emotions when she was born even.

"I'm a what?" She hummed.

Luz took a step forward and asked again.

"Are you an enemy?"

Amity could only grin fangly as she tilted her head to the other side.

"Me? An enemy? No... I'm your friend..." She said as she drew a knife towards Luz's neck.

Without much hesitation did Luz's reflexes kick in as she shoved the knife sideways with her other hand pushing Amity down to the ground by her neck.


Amity's breath stuck to her throat as she wheezed a laugh out of her system.

Luz gripped her neck, choking her slowly as she asked the same question again.

Amity didn't answer back and continued to give a choked laugh as she twisted the knife around and slammed the handle end beside Luz's head. Stunning her to fall beside her.

Amity pulled herself back up and shoved Luz down from getting up.

"Funny... You never acted this tough before... Did you finally grow a nerve to be tough, Luzy?" She wondered as she ran the sharp edge of the knife on Luz's face.

Luz's expression of nothing didn't change as she stared up at Amity unmoving of everything.

"Luzy... The way you changed this afternoon is incredible, to be honest. You suddenly became violent in there..." Amity said as she sat up, helping Luz beside her.

"The way you contorted all of them with your bare hands was mesmerizing... I never even knew you had it in you too... Decapitating Mr. Tibbles's own hands... And with the same pair of scissors was a surprise." She continued while looking straight at nothing.

Luz sat beside her, not moving. Like a servant in wait for someone to tell her what to do.

"Luzy, have you gone mute or deaf?" Amity asked while nudging Luz slightly by the shoulder.

"Or... Are you angry that you're giving me the silent treatment here?" She continued.

Still, Luz didn't respond to anything she said.

Amity hummed, staring at the side of Luz's face before saying, "you still have a bit of blood on your cheek."

Luz finally, for once, reacted and glanced over to her.

Amity smiled.

"So you are giving me the silent treatment, huh..?" She sniggered before asking, "if I stabbed your hand, would you start answering me now?"

Luz didn't respond as she wiped the spec of blood from her cold cheeks.

"Luzy..?" Amity called.

"Luzy, hello..? How angry are you towards me?" She asked.

There was a thick moment of silence before Luz suddenly fell back to the ground.

Lucky for them, the grass was soft and not in any way too prickly to lay on.

Amity stared at Luz's face.

She fell unconscious beside her.

She grinned.

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