Chapter 21: Sin conflictos de peligro

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Luz sat staring out the window.

The sun was finally rising after Cat and Amelia had left. Well, she told them to leave her on her own too.

Cat and Amelia weren't sure enough how to respond thus in which case, they just agreed and left.

Luz sighed before she got off of the couch and made her way to the bathroom.

Opening it, she walked over to the sink and checked the water to see if it was running.

To her surprise, it was. Someone pays the house to be this useful before someone has even bought it yet.

Washing her face to wake herself up, she clicked her tongue at the specs of blood on her jacket.

They're gonna leave a thick stain on them now. How sad can that ever be?

Sighing once again, this time out of pure disappointment to herself and everything she's done up to this point. She glanced over to her reflection to see it smirking at her.

She gasped and took a step back in shock and fright of the situation.

"Tired again, Luz?"

Her reflection asked.

Luz gulped before asking, "who the hell are you..? You... You're not me..!"

There was an echoing laugh inside the bathroom before her reflection only said five words.

"You can call me Lus..."

"Lus..? That name sounds familiar have we even met before?? Or are you just the works of my overreactive imagination again." Luz pondered as she stood back in front of the mirror.

Lus laughed in amusement at her before saying, "oh, no, no, no... We have met before... Let's just say..."

Luz listened intently as she placed her hands by the side of the sink after she turned the faucet off.

"Your father introduced me to you once and I've conversed with you so many times... Don't you remember?" Lus said.

"My papá? No! No way happened... My papá died just before my fourteenth birthday!" Luz stammered out before continuing with, "and even if we met before my birthday, I don't remember anything about it... My papá is always busy day and night, and he only ever comes home on my birthdays."

Lus laughed out loud while patting her knees in sheer crippling amusement.

"Oh, my..." She wheezed out before clearing her throat and fixing her demeanor back into a better fit.

"Anyway... Your father introduced me to you in the hospital." She said.

Luz raised brow before asking, "what?? Why the hospital?"

"Because, that's where you were delivered, you dummy." Lus said.

Luz felt a twitch in the eye as she breathed to calm herself down.

"Ok... So you met me when I was just a baby... And my papá was there to introduce you to me... And??" She said.

Lus hummed, smiling as she said, "your father told me I should keep an eye on you. More likely, I've been... Doing a lot of good deeds only to you."

Luz frowned.

That didn't sound like the right words for Lus's sentence at all.

"Yeah... Whatever, but... Tell me." She said.

"Tell you what?" Lus asked.

"Do I have some kind of ability? Because... Whenever my chest starts to ache and my lungs start to burn, I go unconscious and always wake up with blood on me or everyone that would be around me saying I killed someone." Luz said.

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