Chapter 14: Agobiar

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There was nothing but the scream that came from the living room was what was enough to make Willow and Skara rush over.

"Gargh!!" Boscha scowled as she tried to plunge the knife down with Luz using both hands to push it upward.

"Zarola!" Skara yelled as she rushed over to undo the violent quarrel.

"I thought we agreed not to attack Lee." Willow said as she crossed her arms while leaning over the archway.

Skara stumbled when she grabbed the knife and threw it aside.

"What?! It's not my fault she hit me first!" Boscha scoffed.

"You did what?" Skara shot up.

Luz perked up stammering out, "I didn't mean it!! I was paranoid when I woke up!!"

"Yeah, right! Says the one who killed the Warden with their axe!" Boscha taunted.

"I didn't kill anybody! And even if I did! I'd have already called the cops on myself!" Luz yelled back as she scowled at Boscha who did the same to her.

Eye to eye, they seemed to hate each other in Willow's eyes.

"Are you two done bickering yet? Breakfast is ready." Willow asked.

Boscha huffed, fixing her jacket as she walked over to the dining room.

"Yeah, yeah, we're done yelling at each other's faces for now." She said.

"And I'm still a hunter, I'll kill her if she ever does something like punching me in the face first thing when she wakes up." She added when she passed by Willow who rolled their eyes.

Skara sighed as she walked over and sat down beside Luz.

"Sorry about her... She can get... Very aggressive when someone just suddenly hits her and stuff... Gravity can sometimes catch her off guard on her own accord." She said while fiddling with her own hands.

Luz sighed before saying, "it's fine... She was just so close in my face it... Kind of freaked me out, like a lot to be honest."

Skara chuckled.

"That's pretty funny, but you have to eat breakfast right now before the timer runs out on your location." She said before standing and walking off.




Eda gasped for a breather as she tried to steady her racing heart down while Owlbert just stared at her with a confused look of surprise.

Sighing, she glanced down at her sweaty palms only to grumble and pull the covers off of her as she hurried for a morning shower.

Passing by King in the living room, she grabbed a towel and made her way to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her in the process of locking.

"Eda..?" King mumbled as he sat up tilting his head in confusion when he woke up yawning and stretching.

Owlbert came flying over and sitting on the couch.

"Hoot... Hoot."


King and Owlbert were both brought to jumping a bit when they heard Eda yelling to herself inside the bathroom over running water.

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