Chapter 44: Cena familiar

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The family around the table was silent as Luz sat beside Emira who sat with clasped hands on the table.

Alador and Odalia weren't at all keen on saying something or anything as they both sat there quietly yet staring off just to avert eye contact.

Edric gazed at both his parents before his twin who shrugged at him.

"Is there a reason Lee is with us..?" He asked, finally breaking the cold in the room.

Alador sighed but before he could speak about it, Odalia beat him to it.

"Lee is here to ask for our help in getting her into the business as a hunter to disband the extermination of the hunters in the round yet still winning the prize money she's taken account for." She said.

Both Emira and Edric raised their hands just like how everyone would at gunpoint. They wore smiles, shocked smiles.

"Woah..??" Emira said, surprised she was as she tried to hold herself from laughing.

Slowly putting their hands down, Luz kept her hands clasped under the table.

"That is one hell of a dick move to the business, Lee... I mean... Just... Wow..." Edric snickered as he tried to lower his smile to a smirk as he crossed his arms.

Luz felt guilt-tripped over the situation she chose.

"W... Well, I didn't want to kill anybody..." She mumbled in an embarrassed tone. Even though it's not something to be embarrassed about.

"It is a dick move, yes... But that would also mean an advantage to you three. How come none of you called any of us that you three haven't killed a prey like her?" Alador scoffed.

Emira hummed before saying, "well... I mean she's cute."

Luz perked up in surprise.

"Eh?" She chirped.

"Seriously?" Edric pondered.

"Yep," Emira nodded before continuing with, "and to be honest, she's been a pretty cool... Human?? Well, except for the fact that she snapped a senior hunter's neck."

"She did what?" Both parents were caught in interest.

Luz killed a senior hunter, interesting.

"What..? N... No, I didn't." Luz muttered.

"Yeah, you did. Amity said so." Emira said with Edric adding, "you also had a weird threatening question too which was creepier than us generation of hunters."

Luz glanced at every one of them.

'I did what!???' her mind was fuzzed.

"It's fine though, I'm sure you'll fit right in here at Hexside." Edric said, chuckling a bit before perking up when the front door made a noise.

Amity was back.

"Sorry, I'm late." She said while taking her jacket off and hanging it aside.

"The closest stores were closed so I had to jog farther to get the soda and the kni--...."

She paused while holding the plastic bag as her eyes landed towards Luz meekly avoiding everyone's eyes towards her.

Alador smiled and stood up, he patted Amity's head before grabbing the bag from her hand.

"You didn't meet any bad thieves while buying did you?" He asked while tucking the bought stuff.

Amity shrugged.

"There weren't many people around." She said as she took the seat beside Edric.

Luz continued to avert everyone's eyes.

"So why are you here, Luzy?" Amity asked.

Luz perked up and blinked a few times before stuttering out, "oh, well... Uhm, uhh... Well, you said that you can help me get into the business as a hunter."

Amity stared with a grin before realizing it.

"Ohh... I did, didn't I..?" She said before continuing with, "well, we can start tomorrow. You're hungry aren't you?"

Luz stared at her before meekly laughing as she said, "well, it's pretty embarrassing to say I do..."

Amity chuckled.

"Of course, you do... You ran around playing trying to get away from the hunters coming for your throat... And until now, your location is still ticking." She said.

Luz perked up and fumbled in grabbing her phone out.

Her eyes widened.

Well, it was a bit assuring too.

She somehow had eight hours before her location would be given out. The longer she survived the longer her location would be hidden before given out.

'This is fine... I can leave first thing in the morning.' she thought before saying, "oh..."

'Calm down, Luz... It's not like hunters will be chasing you down anytime soon yet. You have time.' she chained.

Amity hummed before leaning back on her chair.

"Hey, mom... How was your trip with dad?" She asked.

Odalia smiled.

"It was pleasant." She said.

Amity rolled her eyes.

"Right..." She snickered before continuing with, "dad didn't do anything dumb at all, huh..?"

Alador cleared his throat loudly.

Emira chuckled.

"Now that I think about it... Dad didn't somehow crash the car while driving this evening." Edric pondered.

"Oh, yeah... You didn't crash it." Emira said.

"Well, if mittens didn't crash the car then that means I didn't crash the car either." Alador scoffed.

The twins gave a grim expression for a moment or two towards Alador before Edric said, "didn't Chase crash the car more than once?"

Luz was impressed.

"New record?" Emira chirped.

"Maybe..." Amity cooed.


"Aagh--?! Ok! Uhh--"

Luz was fumbled a bit when she almost touched the knob to walk out of there. Only if it weren't for Emira who had pulled her by her hood.

"Going somewhere??" Emira asked, smirking as she placed a hand on her waist.

Luz stared up at her before blushing a bit and jittering over her actions when Emira took her hold off of her hood.

"Oh! Me!?" She stammered, forcing a laugh out of her throat before continuing with, "I was just uhh... G... Gonna go?? I mean, I don't really think I should be--"

"You do know you smell like dessert out there, right?? Or did you just not realize that hunters have a keen sense of smell?" Emira wondered before raising a brow when she heard a clatter in the kitchen.

"Chase, no!! That knife is for kitchen use only!"

Edric's shout was loud just like Amity's laughter over the sound of running.

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