Chapter 6: Huir

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Luz frowned as she would occasionally trip a bit in her stepping while Gus wasted no time and kept running with her.

Soon enough though, they stopped inside a calm underground parking lot they found themselves in.

"Ok... This place seems good enough, now can you please explain to me why just ran??" She asked, arms crossed in suspicion, realizing a little too late after, "And we left Willow back there too?!"

Gus took his time to take in the information to explain as he tried to gather the right words to make it short and easy for her to understand without him going through it in details.

"Ok... I and Willow have been keeping a secret from you, but it was because we wanted to protect you, Luz. We gave you that phone that came from the business because it'll not only call the emergency hotline itself, it'll also call at least one assistant or two to rescue you. Look, you might've done it on accident that we're sure of because you just got yourself into the game, so to explain the rules quick, you're the prey, and you need to survive, Luz." He explained top to bottom, somehow.

Luz stared at him confused and with wide eyes, 'Que demonios..?'

[What the hell..?]

"W--Wha--..? Wait, what???" She was perplexed, what she heard was a ramble on Gus's tongue than an explanation.

Gus took a deep breath before explaining more efficiently this time, "Let me explain it again.."

"Ok..." He began again.


"Whaaaaatt!!?!?!?? You're telling me that the whole idea of this game is me getting killed if I don't survive!?" Luz stammered out.

"Yes... And not only that... If you do survive, the hunters that are all in this public round will be executed over failure in killing you." Gus said as he walked around Luz, looking around her entirely, he was sure she wasn't injured for the time being.

"If I live... Every single hunter will die, and if I die, every single hunter will get paid with wealth, unthinkable to any human alive..?" Luz fiddled with her jacket strings while muttering to herself before flinching stiff when she heard what sounded like a skull breaking.


"Gus!!!" She screamed when she saw Gus get slammed against the hard pavement of the basement parking floors with one hand by someone wearing a brown jacket.

She scowled at him, angered by this, she clutched her hands into bawled fists.

"Let go of him!! Just who are you!??" She yelled.

The guy seemed to be close around her and Gus's age, he stood back upright with a smirk, Gus seemed unconscious in his hold.

"Hahah!! Well, I do like it when the prey knows my name before I kill them. The real names Mattholomule but my Hunter name is Zambadi." Mattholomule said, dropping Gus by the head before taking out a butterfly knife from his pocket.

"And I've never tried killing someone this young like you before... Boy, it makes me wonder if we're the same age too. It just makes this round of hunt far more exciting, don't you think so?" He grinned wide at Luz who continued to scowl before swiftly making a turn and running off.

Mattholomule let out a loud laugh that echoed in the vast area as he ran for Luz who seemed to know just where she would run to, but immediately frowned when he saw the elevators, yelling as he tried to catch up to her before she could escape, "Oh, hell no!! Get back here!!!"

Luz's hopes were brought up when she saw Willow inside the slow opening doors of the elevator, she breathed in sharp yet heavily as she slammed herself inside of the elevator, just in time before it could close completely on her.

She winced at the pain in his arm as she tried to stand up.

"It's ok for now, just sit up... Don't stand." Willow said as she knelt to heal the invisible injury, she was at least sure that Gus explained everything to her so she wouldn't.

There was a moment of silence in the elevator as Luz continued to look forward.

"Sorry... I.. I'm not allowed to help you much, Luz." Willow finally spoke.

Luz took her time before sighing, taking everything out of her system in that one relaxing motion to say, "I know.... Gus told me everything I need to know... Healers can't do assists to the prey itself other than the Assistants themselves..."

Willow frowned, huffing, "It's not fair.. I want to protect you better too, Luz."

Luz meekly laughed while assuring hrr, "Yeah... Of course, you do, Gus told me that too, and... What I'd want you to do right now to be honest is to help him."

"What do you mean by, Luz?" Willow asked.

"Gus told me.... To stay calm at all times no matter what happens, I have to stay calm... And he's... He's in the parking lot down somewhere, I don't remember where anymore, bleeding in the head while unconscious..." Luz said, muttering a bit in her wording as she bawled her trembling fists tightly, she looked as though she was going to cry any time soon when she said those.

"Healers aren't allowed to help Assistants and Hunters when the round finally starts.. if they're caught doing so... They'll be killed along with either the Assistant or Hunter for payment back for breaking one of the rules." Willow said.

Luz's eyes shot up wide.

"What..!?" She asked.

"He'll be fine, Luz. I know what he's capable of... So.... It's fine." Willow eased her down as they both heard the bell of the elevator and the doors slowly opening, sighing she waited for Luz to get out, "I got us into the storage area of the mall, just run and don't look back."

Luz hesitated standing halfway through the elevator doors, asking with concern in her voice, "But how about you?"

"Run, Luz... Just run..." Willow huffed before pressing the buttons.

Luz gulped as she stepped out watching the doors slowly close, grumbling a bit to herself as she patted her shoulders with both hands, she made her way around the place before checking for her phone.

Watching her position in the mall with a few other dots somewhat far and close to her, there was no indication of how to figure out if they were close or not.

"Damn..." She muttered to these, sneaking around large boxes before finally bumping into someone.

"What are you doing here, Miss? This place is only accessible for personnels."

Luz saw a girl taller than her, wearing what looked like a worker's shirt and a hat somehow covering half her face, she scurried trying to fix her demeanor to force a laugh out of her stomach while saying, "Hahahahh!! Sorry! I got lost while looking for an exit! Hahah!"

She stood there feeling awkward of her position as she tried to adjust her eyes to try and see the person's face.

She didn't understand how but it looked as though her eyes were playing a joke to her. She swore those eyes that looked back down on her were filled with malice.

There was a moment of awkward silence before she stammered out, "I... I'm Luz! How about you?? Uhh--"

"I'm Emira... But my hunter name is Holter."

Luz's eyes widened in realization as she was soon able to make out what looked like a wide sinister grin across their face.

She was taken by surprise when Emira pulled out a pocket knife from one of her pockets, starting a chase between them.

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