Chapter 46: Verdad familiar

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"My mom has color problems and my dad doesn't take a shower for a year straight unless told to... How strict do you think they are now?" Amity said.

Luz stared at her, confused as she tried to find the right words on her tongue.

"They're... Not... Strict??" She couldn't find any.

Amity snickered before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Well, they don't need to know you're spending the night here... Besides, every room in this building is soundproof for a lot of reasons." She said as she grabbed Luz by the hand and pulled her away from the front door.

Luz stumbled a bit on her footing as she and Amity passed by Edric who was wiping their hands dry with one of the kitchen towels.

"Staying the night, Lee?" Edric wondered.

Luz meekly smiled as Amity pulled her bedroom door open and hurried themselves in.

"Woah... Why does your room smell different??" Luz chirped when she took in a different whiff in the air.

"Different you say..?" Amity hummed as she took her hold off of Luz's hand and walked over to the open balcony door.

Luz frowned.

'¿Por qué quiero sentir celos por algo?(Why do I want to feel jealous about something?)' she thought before saying, "it smells... Like someone else was with you in this room?"

"What if I said I hung out with Willow every now and then when I'm not hunting you down like everyone else is doing?" Amity snickered.

Luz bawled her hands and furrowed her brows.

Amity giggled at the sudden shift of expression.

"Jealous?" She cooed.

Luz snapped from her trance and shook her head before saying, "no!"

Amity grinned and shut the balcony door, locking it before laying down on the bed.

"Hm... So... What is it that's making you... So angry?" She wondered.

Luz hummed before the scent in the room changed.

"I dunno... Wait, you and Willow hang out in your bedroom?" She chirped.

"No, that's a long time ago... Me and Willow are just... Hmm... She's just my confrère." Amity said.

Luz hummed, nodding in understanding before saying, "but what was that smell though..? It was mixed with your smell."

"That was probably Apsat's or Holter's. They usually clean stuff in my room even when I don't ask them to, guess they just like cleaning a lot." Amity said before continuing with, "although... Holter was close to your face that one time y'now... How come you never took a whiff of her scent?"

Luz shrugged.

"I was... Baffled??" She said.

Amity chuckled.

"Right... Right... You're still new to this hunter thing... But you'll fit right in since you're not completely human. Somehow..." She said.

Luz frowned.

"What does that mean exactly..?" She asked.

"Hm... I'm sure you'll figure it out at one point." Amity said before closing her eyes.

Luz stood there staring at her rest easy before she took out her phone.

There wasn't much that she can do at the moment and her already planning a dick move tomorrow was already in schedule thanks to the Blights. Not like there was anything she was supposed to be thanking for. This is all her doing and she doesn't know it yet.


Luz perked up when Amity called her.

"What are you doing just standing there?" Amity asked.

"It seems... A little rude to sleep on your bed so I'll just stay awake for the night, someone might figure out where I am like... By smell." Luz said.

Amity sat up and shifted herself to look at Luz. Crossing her legs, she raised her hands and cracked her knuckles on her jaw.

Luz stared shocked.

"Did you just crack your knuckles with your jaw..!?" She muttered.

Amity tilted her head with a confused look.

"So?" She chirped.

Luz gulped before saying, "nothing."

Amity hummed before saying, "come over here."

Luz hesitated, though, she did walk over and was immediately pulled down on the bed by Amity still sitting.

"Uhh..." Luz was speechless.

Amity stared down at her before slowly smiling and saying, "calm down... I won't bite you just yet."

'¿Qué tan seguro es eso, exactamente..?(How safe is that, exactly..?)' she wondered before asking, "I feel threatened here..."

Amity snickered and fell to a fit of laughter as she laid down beside Luz.

Luz smiled. Although she did mean it as it is, it was... Funny, in some way that's still threatening for her.

"Seriously, why are you getting shy on me? You were never shy when we first encountered each other on your first day of school." Amity said as she closed her eyes.

Luz hummed before saying, "you were different."

Amity snickered.

"Different how?" She asked.

"Different..." Luz mumbled before saying, "different nicer??"

"Nicer, huh..?" Amity chuckled.

"Nice is such a strong word though." She chirped.

Luz placed a hand on her chin before saying, "someone with a sense of blind justice??"

Amity held a laugh under her throat.

"I dunno..! I can't find the right word to explain it! You were just..! Friendly!" Luz blurted before continuing with, "in a way?? A way where everyone knows that you'll be nice back to them if they're nice to you back."

Amity sighed.

"So... Normal, huh?" She wondered.

"No, not normal." Luz chided.

Amity rolled her eyes.

"Right, right." She sighed.

"You were just someone everyone respected a lot, that's all." Luz shrugged.

Amity smiled and shifted herself to look at Luz.

Luz kept her eyes glued to the ceiling, not wanting to meet Amity's gaze as she said, "y'now... This is like a sleepover, the only difference is that I'm held captive."

Amity laughed.

"Oh, geez." She said between her laugh.

Luz chuckled.

"I shouldn't be feeling safe in the slightest but... After hearing from Emira and... a bit from Edric..." She hummed.

"Oh? Funny, you seem to know their real names now, isn't it..?" Amity snickered.

Luz perked up, sitting up from the bed, she placed a hand on her temple.

"Wait... When did I know their..?" She muttered.

Amity patted her on the back and said, "calm down, didn't you know Hexside has a special power in it..?"

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