Chapter 10: La falsedad

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Boscha stared at her phone, she didn't do anything as she saw the prey's location had finally been given out again.

"Aren't you gonna do anything, Zarola?"

Boscha glanced over her shoulder to see Skara leaning sideways just behind her.

"I dunno, Leigh..... There's already a Hunter coming for the Prey right now and I don't wanna get into some collision with another Hunter, especially if it's a Senior. They're the worst to come across with," She scoffed, adding, "And besides Barnett and Van are closer to her with only one assistant being Cassidy and Finey running to aid the prey."

Skara huffed, sitting on the couch with Boscha, taking in the afternoon breeze as the sound of cars passing by was in the background, wondering, "So... You're not gonna join in on the hunt for real?"

Boscha shrugged.

"Depends on the situation, I can't just waltz over and try to hunt the Prey that fast. What if they can kill me too?" She chided while watching the screen. Ever so often, she would look at who was signed in, and ever so often too would she scroll and look around each name.

"Huh... The Blights are all in the round." Skara pondered with a bemused smile before turning her phone off.

"Funny.. I thought the Blights weren't ones to be in the same rounds, especially private ones." She added before closing her eyes to rest.

"What do you mean by that?" Boscha asked.

"I mean... Chase is pretty passive-aggressive while completely violent, the twins have even told me that she always comes back with her clothes soaked in blood like she drained the prey by the neck like some pig, upside down and bathe in their blood." Skara said, adding, "Meanwhile, the twins are completely aggressively calm, they'd even kill each other head-on if they got into each other's way but if one of them were close to dying they'd help each other out. The three of them in one round, especially public is kind of new to me."

Boscha hummed while scrolling through her phone, yet still keeping an eye on the Prey's given location on the Hunter's map, she stretched her legs out and plopped them down on the coffee table, wondering, "What do you think the outcome would be if the three of them were in one? There are a few seniors in the round. I bet Zambadi would be killed if he got in any of their ways."

"And aren't the Blights also known to enjoy each other's company?" She added.

"Yeah but..."

Knock Knock

The two paused when they heard a knock on their apartment door.

"Did you invite one of your friends over?" Boscha asked.

Skara shook her head.

Knock knock

Boscha felt a sense of dread behind staring at the door, she stood up and cautiously walked over it, for some reason, she felt blood lust come from it. Peeking through the peephole, she saw nobody on the other side yet she heard another pair of knocking again.

Frowning, she slowly reached for the knob only to find it suddenly shaking as if someone was trying to pry it open.

'Well, fuck me..' Scowling, she rushed to wear her boots and jacket on with Skara hurrying to do the same thing.

Bam Bam

Someone was slamming a fist full on the door now.

"Leigh, hurry up!" Boscha yelled in a hushed tone as she opened the balcony door with Skara hurrying it more.


Luz glanced from side to side in the abandoned streets. For a small area that's been newly built for occupation and hasn't gotten any new movers in, it felt like a newly abandoned area.

And she was paranoid about it.

Looking down at her phone, she grumbled in irritation over the glitching broken screen.

"Found you."

She yanked herself around to see a woman gripping a knife in both hands while maniacally laughing and running towards her.

She felt shivers of fright that immediately made her turn around to run for the hell of it, she could hear the laughter behind her when she turned around before choking when she got yanked by the shoulder with a hand covering her mouth.

The laughing passed by her and she immediately pulled herself out of the hold of whoever had grabbed her.

She stared up at a woman with black hair and a fang visible in broad daylight.

"W... Who are you..!?" She muttered while keeping a cautious distance between her and whoever it was standing in front of her trying to hush her down.

"Everyone calls me the 'Fanfic Prisoner' over my obsession with making vegetable fanfictions but my Assistant name is Finey." She whispered.

"Hide and seek isn't a thing for me~"

The two glanced over to see the same deranged woman from before.

"Go!! I'll keep Slitherbeast at bay for you to escape!!" Finey yelled as she pushed Luz out of the way from the knife's swing.

Luz didn't look back and ran off again.

She could hear one of them screaming from what she can know was pain, but she ignored it with bliss and continued to run.


She was tired.


She sat there by a dumpster still hiding as she tried to steady her breath.

All this running was making her chest tighten in pain. Wincing a bit, she clutched her chest and looked down, it felt nauseating to her. "Urhk--!! Haurgg---?!"

She rushed to a side and immediately threw up. Coughing, she wiped her chin before perking up to stand when she heard the noise of someone hitting a trash can and making a few metal bins fall to the ground.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she rushed over the wooden wall and hopped up on one of the metal bins to bring herself to the other side.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are~"

With a thump, she hit the ground on her side.

Ignoring the pain inflicted on her arm from the impact, she began running again, only to find herself tripping and wincing in pain. She couldn't breathe any better anymore. On her knees, she heaved trying to steady her beating heart.

'Damnit... I knew I should've asked to go to the doctor yesterday when I started to feel weird aches in my chest and headaches...' she nagged herself while hearing the noise of wood breaking behind her.

She couldn't make it. This was it.

The Prey had finally been hunted and the Hunters themselves wins.

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