Chapter 48: Buenos días

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Luz awoke to the sound of emptiness.

Tiredly blinking, she rubbed an eye awake before noticing weight on her.

Looking over, she saw an arm around her.

Glancing to a specific side, her eyes met Amity's.

They stared at each other for a while before saying, "uhm..."

Amity smiled before saying, "I never knew you wake up this early in the morning..."

Luz blushed a bit when she felt Amity's breath.

"Uhh... I don't really sleep too well when I'm supposed to be on guard for my own life..." She said.

Amity laughed before taking her arm off of Luz.

Luz sat up, shifting herself a bit to put a foot down on the bed.

"How long have you been awake..?" She asked while yawning before taking her phone out to check on the time.

She had only three minutes before her location was going to be given out. Welp.

"What's the time then?" Amity asked while sitting up, facing away from Luz's side of the bed, she stared at the empty balcony.

Luz was silent as she tried to comprehend what her choices were to be in the situation she was in.

"Uhm... Six in the morning." She said.

Amity smiled a bit before saying, "hey, can you grab me a shirt from my closet? Pick any and get yourself a shirt too, you're only wearing a jacket y'now."

Luz perked up and checked herself. She was only wearing a jacket over her underclothes. A little surprised she felt, a little embarrassing she felt when she realized Amity had been hugging her like this the whole night. Since when did she even shift close to Amity..?


Luz snapped from her thoughts when Amity called out to her.

"Oh, right!" She blurted as she stood up and opened the closet.

Grabbing two random shirts without thinking much, well, it's Amity's clothes y'now. They're practically the same age, the only difference is that Amity's just a tad shorter than her.

"Here." Luz said while handing a shirt over.

Amity took it and wiped her cheek a bit.

'Weird... What is this weird sensation on my cheek..? I don't even have any cavity.' she thought before slowly taking her shirt off to change.

Luz dusted the shirt she wore a bit before holding a shriek under her tongue when her pants suddenly went loose on her.

Yanking it back up, the button had somehow broke.

'¿¿¡Que demonios!??(What the hell!??)' she thought before saying, "hey, Amity..."

Amity titled her head while slowly folding her shirt inside out.

"¿Tienes cinturones de repuesto para los pantalones?(Got any spare belts for pants?)" Luz asked.

Amity shrugged before saying, "under my bed, probably have like... A lot of them that I keep spared."

Luz nodded and knelt to look.

Happy she was that there was a lot Amity had for spares. Buckling it on, she paused when the door suddenly opened with Edric walking inside.

"Hey, Chase, wake up... Ah..?"

Edric paused and stared squinting his eyes at Luz.

Luz immediately continued putting the belt on before grabbing her jacket and walking past him.

"Anyway... It's time to wake up, Chase, mom and dad left an hour ago for work and they expect you to decide whether you want to help Lee or not since they're gonna be too busy to do anything for her." Edric said before closing the door.

Amity shrugged before grabbing one of her knives from the bookshelves.


Luz relieved a sigh as soon as she got out of the place.

She now stood in a hallway, blinking a few times. Right, she's been in Hexside for quite a while now, she knows her way around like the back of her mind.

Her minds gained quite the knowledge of the building itself and the students and staff in the building.

Sighing again, she wore her jacket on and made her way down the hallway and for the stairs.

It wasn't like she was on another floor the second floor. No, more likely she's on the fifth floor.

Elevators are gonna be dangerous for her to use. She's the prey here. She'll be killed before she realizes it if she uses them.


"Not having breakfast, Chase?" Emira asked while looking over to Amity who sat putting her shoes on.

Amity smiled before saying, "I promised Luzy to get her into the business."

Emira chuckled.

"Right, right... Business and Lee." She said before going back to the kitchen.

Amity huffed before making her way to the door, only to pause mid-way opening it when Edric called from his bedroom.

"Hey, Chase, have you seen one of the barrels on one of my pistols??" He called out.

"Is it on a new handgun??" Amity called back over.

"Yeah! I can't find the barrel I made on my Taurus Raging Bull." Edric said.

Amity tilted her head before saying, "found a new handgun you liked from the internet, huh... Well, don't know, haven't seen any gun parts anywhere."

"Ok, just tell me if you ever find it though, it'll be pretty easy to know if it's mine." Edric said before a clatter followed suit with him groaning as if he had hit the floor after crashing into something.

Amity snickered before saying, "of course... You always engrave your initial unto each one you make."

And then opening the door to leave.


Outside, Amity was met face to face with Boscha glaring at her.

"You smell off." Boscha scoffed.

Amity tilted her head before tucking her hands in her jacket and asking, "how so?"

Boscha frowned and trailed behind Amity.

"Well, you smell different. Why do you smell sweet..!?" She said while reaching and placing a hand on Amity's shoulder as she leaned forward to take in a whiff on her neck.

Amity chuckled at her remark as she brushed her hand off of her shoulder.

"Did you sleep with another hunter?" Boscha growled.

Amity rolled her eyes before saying, "why do you care? You've never cared if I ever got myself a pet to cuddle with."

Boscha was a little shocked.

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