Chapter 9: Más antiguo

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Eda continued on and on until finally, she was done with the explanation, finishing, "So remember, kid.... Don't die."

Luz nodded before standing up to make a run for it in the back door.

"Don't stop, ok, Luz?!" Morton yelled out before grabbing his jacket to call it a day.

Eda smiled a bit, calling for Owlbert who came flying to her shoulder while pondering, "Y'know, Morton... She reminds me of Lily when we were young."

"Really? I thought you hated your sister." Morton hummed while grabbing his keys.

Eda shrugged while saying, "I did but... She had a good reason doing what she did y'know.. I can't blame her for that, it's her dream to serve beside Belos just like Kikimora and stuff."

Morton chuckled a bit as he and Eda walked out through the back of the store.

Eda stretched her arms out a bit, causing Owlbert to fly off to a tree.

"Better be home before dark, Owlbert. I swear I'll give your food to King again if you do." She scoffed while walking alongside Morton.

"Hey, Eda... Do you think the prey will survive for a week? I mean, there aren't that many new Hunters who aren't Seniors or Failed. Most are also the same age as her but... I dunno, one Hunter is giving me the creeps now." Morton said as he took slow and steady steps beside Eda who walked slow.

"What makes you say that?? The new generation of Hunters are supposed to be creepy, it's part of their genes to be like that or even scary to make it worse." Eda replied.

Morton fixed his grey beanie better while saying, "That's my point! The new generation is limited right now but they're hella strong in truth be told."

"Yeah, I get that, that's why I told all of those things to the kid. She'll need it just as much as she'll ever consider needing." Eda huffed.

Morton glanced off before stopping in his tracks, suddenly saying, "Sorry, Eda."

Eda raised a brow, confusion evident in her face, asking, "What are you apologizing for, Morton?"

"Eda, listen, listen... That kid? What's her name again? Luz, right..? Look, she's not gonna make it another day, hell even a week for a matter. She doesn't know what the older generation of Hunters right now can do. There might only be a few that aren't Seniors, but once a senior takes interest in hunting her down....."

Eda bawled her fists tight as she slowly turned around to face Morton, she gave him a look of utter disbelief in disgust.

"I'm sorry, Eda, but... Luz isn't going to live no matter what.... The business won't allow that at all cost just for blood money." Morton said.

Eda opened her mouth to speak, the feeling of hesitation in her throat was visible as she tried to mutter out even the slightest of words, sputtering, "Then I'll... I'll help her. I'll become an assistant."

Morton was shocked to hear that.

"Are you crazy!!?" He yelled, stammering, "Eda, we might have not had the best of times together as friends years ago but I know that you will die doing that. Your sister, Lilith?? She works alongside Belos, she's seen what he looks like and she knows that once an order to kill you is given, she won't hesitate to get rid of you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm signing in as an Assistant," Eda said as she took her phone out.

Morton scowled, immediately smacking her phone out of her hands, saying, "No, Eda..! Your sister told me specifically to never... Ever... Get you involved in the business anymore, she's scared you'll die for real than last time, ok?? So stop it."


Eda hit him in the face.

"I don't care what my sister says anymore, I don't know much of who Luz is but what I do know is she's the only good reason I should be alive now. Nobody ever dared talk to me except for her." She said while kneeling to grab her phone and run off.


"Have you heard..?" Kikimora began as she poured tea into two cups.

Lilith flipped through her book whilst replying with, "Heard of what, Winda?"

Kikimora placed a cup of tea in front of Lilith before savoring hers, saying, "That there's a public round this year..."

"A what?" Lilith perked up.

Kikimora had gotten her attention.

"Mhm.... In the public round, everyone from the business joined in without hesitation, not knowing what the consequences of this public round will give," She said while glancing down at her cup, sighing before continuing with, "And as usual again, public rounds always have the Seniors join without question."

Lilith fixed herself in her seat, a look of dismay on her face as she said, "Then that would mean every Hunter will die if the Prey makes it alive."

"Yes, that's correct." Kikimora shrugged before finishing her tea.

"We have to go now," Lilith said as she opened the business app.

The prey's location isn't going to be given out after thirty seconds.

"Don't worry, mentor Owl Lady... The prey seemed confident, they even chose the time limit as one week." Kikimora said as she poured herself another cup of tea.

Lilith laid back on her chair and glanced out the window. The seas were high again.

"Isn't that a little odd..? This prey must be desperate with money that they chose a week." She wondered while watching a few seagulls fly by.

"Perhaps so... But a week is almost equivalent to having millions sent to their newly made bank account, the password will be sent to them once everything is all over." Kikimora shrugged.

Lilith placed a hand on her chin as she glanced back down on her phone and checked on the signed participants.

One name made her eyes widen in confusion.

"Why is my sister's name in here..?" She asked.

"Your little sister, correct?" Kikimora asked.

Lilith nodded.

"Your little sister never got herself out of the business correctly, Owl Lady. Right now she's titled as a Hunter and Prey at the same time, which is... Unbelievably confusing." Kikimora said as she placed her half-empty cup down on the table, "But don't worry, it's just a bug after all."

"What happens if the prey were to win?" Lilith asked.

"Oh, who knows..... Usually, Hunters are to be executed for failure of hunting. There are already a few who escaped and are now in hiding but still participate in rounds, especially public ones. I'm not sure about your sister's current situation though. Belos never specified what would happen." Kikimora hummed as she stood up to leave the balcony.

Lilith frowned, she didn't get a specific answer out of her fellow senior.

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