Chapter 37: Preocupación

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Amity rocked her feet back and forth as she watched Luz's location count go down with each passing second.

Smiling, she sighed before finishing on her drink.

She hadn't been too hungry to eat her fries but she was just fine as she was.

Soon enough, only ten seconds were left until it was going to be given out.

Honestly, she's been feeling this much anticipation that she just grabbed her fries and began walking for the bridge.


It must've been the fact that she felt compelled to walk over there.


Well, Emira did once take her there to look at the sky and the dark water under them in the bridge.


Oh, Edric also took her down the bridge to show her the graffiti he drew there. How illegal.


Although those were the first thoughts that crossed Amity's mind, there was something else too.


Something else that felt lost under her mind.


What was it again..? It was something very important to her that she couldn't forget.


Oh, right. That's right.

Stopping by the long flights of cement stairs that led down the bridge, she sighed and gazed up the grey skies.


"I pushed Willow off of the bridge here once when my parents told me to..." She muttered before descending the stairs.

Glancing at her phone, her eyes widened a bit.

Luz's location was just under the bridge.

Grinning in amusement, she hurried down a bit, careful to herself not to slip down as she hopped on the last case of stairs and walked over to Luz's location.

"Luzy." She called out before she paused and her eyes widened.

She didn't know why but she felt something strong in the back of her mind.

Was it worry? She was unsure.

Walking over the body that laid on their stomach unconscious. She crouched down and placed a light pressure on Luz's neck.

Her pulse was steady. It would seem she didn't drown in the slightest but somehow exhausted herself this much for it.

Sighing, she sat down beside Luz's unconscious body.

"You're pretty helpless without someone beside you, huh, Luzy..?" She wondered while scrolling through her phone.

Whistling a soft tune under her lips, she sat patiently, and of course, she was also on guard for Luz too.

Somehow, it felt... Needed to be there.

Sighing, she glanced over her right when she heard footsteps.

"Oh, it's just you." She said after Willow saw her.

Willow stood there, unsure of what to do until she saw Luz.

"What did you do to, Lee..?" She asked with a bawling fist.

Amity hummed before saying, "I wanted to greet her and ask her a question but she was unconscious when I found her so I'm waiting. Probably almost drowned since she's soaked."

"What?!?" Willow perked up.

Rushing over, she pulled Luz far from the shore and checked her temperature.

She was heating up.

"What's wrong?" Amity asked.

Willow clicked her tongue as she took Luz's jacket off.

"Are you insane or just plain stupid, Chase!? She'll get sick!!" She said before putting her coat on Luz.

"She's heating up badly..!" She cried lightly in worry.

Amity stared at her before sighing as she stood up and walked off.

"Where are you going??" Willow asked.

Amity didn't answer as she disappeared into the shadows.

Willow frowned.

'You'll leave Luz... Just like me, huh..?' she thought as she tried to draw a healing spell for Luz's fever.

Suddenly, Amity came back with a bundle of brick wood on one arm.

Stopping just in front of Willow and Luz, she dropped it all down before sitting down and grabbing a knife from her jacket.

Willow frowned while watching Amity use her other hand to look around the rocks near them before asking, "what are you doing?"

Amity hummed before picking up a flint.

"Making fire." She pondered as she took out alcohol from her side pocket and splashed the whole thing on the pile of wood.

A fire sparked in one go without much problem.

Willow gulped.

"What? You said she has a fever..." Amity said, tilting her head slightly with a grin before continuing with, "we can't call an ambulance y'now, she's the prey here."

Willow growled before helping Luz by the fire.

Even though they're under the bridge, the car noises seemed faint in their ears as Amity just sat keeping to herself with a grin.

Willow didn't like that grin at all.

"What?" She scoffed.

"Nothing." Amity chirped.

Willow didn't like that answer.

"Chase, you're cold." She sighed.

"I'm fine." Amity hummed.

"No, you're not... I know you... Amity... You don't like the cold, just get over here, please?" Willow said as she patted the spot beside her.

Amity shrugged as she stood up and made her way over beside Willow.

"Did you reason me that way so I sit beside you? You could've just simply asked, Willow." She chuckled.

"Why did I even bother..." Willow grumbled.

"Aw... There, there." Amity laughed before silence took hold of their conversation.

After a while of silence, Amity snapped it into two.

"So how have you been?" She asked.

"How have I been what??" Willow pondered.

"Umm... How have you been... After you changed into becoming a healer instead??" Amity chirped.

Willow huffed, taking her time to answer, she replied with, "just fine I suppose..."

Amity nodded lightly.

"Not guilt-tripped over your parents for quitting it?" She asked.

"Nope, not really... At least that's how it was when they realized how I really felt about killing." Willow said, laughing a bit as she stared at the dark water, realizing that it was slowly reflecting the moon rising.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Amity hummed.

Willow nodded.

"Yeah... It is beautiful..." She sighed.

Amity stared at Willow's face, grinning in amusement before looking away when Willow glanced at her.

"What were you grinning at me for?" Willow scoffed.

"Nothing." Amity sniggered when she glanced back over to her.

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