Chapter 35: Ubicación

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Luz chuckled a bit before finishing up on her lunch.

"Thanks for lunch." She said.

The twins shrugged her off.

"It's fine." Edric said.

"Meh, Chase wouldn't like you starving." Emira added.

Luz nodded meekly at that.

Wow. How very inconsiderate.

"Hey, Luzy..."

Luz glanced over to Amity when she called for her attention.

"Yeah?" She hummed.

"Where are you gonna go now??" Amity asked.

Luz thought of it before saying, "I guess... Somewhere far... Maybe some of my relatives will take me in for a while..?"

Amity grinned.

"Relatives?" She wondered.

Luz chuckled.

"Yeah, my extended family is pretty big y'now. In family reunions, it's always fun especially when my favorites cousin comes around." She said before continuing with, "heh, it's always fun being around them that if miss them sometimes."

Amity hummed before sitting upright on her chair.

"Well, you should get going now... Don't want you getting killed here, that would be boring." She said.

Luz stared at her, baffled she was as she sat there trying to find the right words to answer back.

"Your jacket is probably dry by now, you can grab it in the laundry at the very end of the hallway." Emira said.

Luz stood up, nodding and acknowledging them before leaving in a hurry.

Amity grinned.

"Y'now, she's pretty cute." Emira chirped.

"I like her, she's fun to be around with." Edric added.

Amity hummed before saying, "isn't she?"

"Yeah." The twins laughed.

Amity snickered before hitting Edric by the shoulder.

Edric only found that amusing as Emira stood up and grabbed all the used dishes on the table.

"I'll lead her out of here." Amity said as she walked over to wear her shoes.


Luz wheezed trying to calm herself down.

Sweating bullets, she slowly went down and sat on the floor, covering her face with both hands before sighing.

That was a horrific experience for her, being stuck there as nothing but food to carnivores who will take a bite out of her if she doesn't make the right choice to do anything.

'Oh señor, eso dio miedo...' she thought before standing up and looking over the drier for her jacket.

Taking it out, it smelled like roses.

Smiling a bit by the new smell, and after she finally had a bath after all those running. Of course, you sweat when you run here. She felt pleased.

Putting her jacket on, she fixed her sleeves better before opening the door and to shriek in surprise when Amity stood there.

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