Chapter 79: Cinco meses

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Luz shot up from the floor.

How long has it been since she's been down there?

A day? A week? A month?

She didn't know.

Grumbling, she could already sense bags under her eyes.

She hasn't been getting any good sleep for the last weeks now, hell, she didn't want to sleep at all. She didn't want it.

Sitting up, she stretched her arms out a bit, all that exercise she had to do on every book paid off.

She smiled.

Yes, muscles at such an age, she was growing well in the business.

Chuckling to herself, she flipped for the last page of the last book she took.

She's read everything she can call historical and intellectual books to grow her mind.

She was on the last page of the last book about body fitness as such.

"Oh? A letter?" She perked up.

That was new.

There was what looked like a letter tucked at the very last page.

Before she could flip it open, she saw what looked like tearing on it. It wasn't a letter but a piece of paper that had been seemingly ripped terribly.

Finally flipping it open, she saw much-faded writings but in Spanish, although, she can make out what it's trying to say.

Reading through it, her heart seemed to ache ever so slightly as she began to feel shortness of breath and nausea seeking through her.

Gulping, she encouraged herself to read the last bits.

"Los niños murieron junto con el Titán ese mismo día, pero sus almas no atravesaron debido al peso del pecado que el Titán les había impuesto a cada uno sobre su propia codicia de alcanzar el cielo ...(The children died along with the Titan that same day, but their souls did not pass through due to the weight of the sin that the Titan had imposed on each of them over their own lust to reach heaven...)"

Dropping the paper.

That was a messed up ending over such a compelling story.

Trying to calm herself down, she clutched her five-month-old shirt and tried to take steady breaths.

After a while, she was calm.

Her heartbeat rang through her ears in those passing minutes she was reading through the piece of paper.

Getting up to her feet, she popped a few stiff bones before going through back the same passageway she used.

And wow, she still fits. It was as if that claustrophobia-inducing thing gave her some space in respect for her.

Respect? What the hell?

Finally out of there and in her room, she perked up looking around.

She didn't know how long it had been but she was sure she hadn't been there for only a day or a night.

Looking around, her clothes were still there, all of her stuff was still there.

But the door was now unlocked but still shut and there was a picture of her with candles and roses around it.

"¿Qué demonios es esto?(What the hell is this?)" She pondered walking over it.

Grabbing the picture, she stared at it intently before putting it back down.

There was some food displayed on it too. Looked new as well.

That's when her stomach whined at her.

"Wow... Starvation must've finally come back to me." She huffed under her breath as she reached grabbing one of the apples.

Biting into it, her hunger was a bit relieved to a light extent.

She feels like a light eater now.

She didn't even know how though.

Sighing, she looked at her clothes before taking a sniff on herself. For a moment she had a sensitive nose to recoil almost gagging over her stench in there.

She wasn't sure if it was a figment of her imaginations but she was sure a special field was inside that room allowing her to feel like an immortal being inside a box.

Sighing, she grabbed herself out of there for a bath.

Nobody was there at all, in all honesty, it looked as if her mother was at work when she knew she didn't have work.

Perking up, she saw the phone she was given beside the TV.

Grabbing it, she was shocked to see at least a hundred or so missed calls and unread messages for her.

Unlocking it, she was met with impending doom under her.

That was until she saw the calendar on the sleeping TV.

"¿¡Cinco meses!?(Five months!?)" She blurted out.

Sticking her tongue out, it wasn't dry, her lips weren't in the slightest chapped so how?? How did she disappear for five whole months without needing water and food to sustain herself!??

Magic, duh.

Clearing her throat, she continued on to take a bath.


Finally refreshed, she looked at herself in the mirror, her hair had grown seemingly long for the past months.

Looking over, she grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting.

Just imagine her with some kind of undercut why don't you.

Smiling at her finished process, she sure feels lucky she found that book explaining the best way to cut long hair into anything you'd want. Honestly, why was that even in there in the first place?? Eesh.

Chuckling to herself, she cleaned the sink up and everything before walking out to choose herself a pair of pants.

And what do you know... The pants she couldn't wear because it was a tad big now fits her and the other's that she always wore was nothing more but jeans to her now.

Oh, growth spurt, you're just a nice miracle worker aren't you?

Wearing the same jacket she always wore, change the fact that it's now clean and that the sleeves are a little short that she needed to tuck it. She felt like herself even though she's been cooped up on her own like a sitting duck.

She couldn't find the cat too.

Smiling to herself in the mirror.

She felt like a vampire corpse knowing her teeth were white as daylight. What the hell..?

Checking her phone, she swiped around before deciding to make a call for Augustus.

Ringing filled her right ear for a moment before it was met with a voice mail. She raised a brow before canceling it.

She wanted to talk to him in person, not in some voice mail.

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