Chapter 57: Como hija como madre

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Amity was quick when she caught Luz just before she could fall off of the docks and into the cold dark water.

Luz meekly smiled as Amity pulled her back, causing them both to collide slightly in the process.

"Slippery shoes?" Amity asked.

Luz pouted before shoving her off.

Amity chuckled before reaching over and grabbing her hand.

"C'mon, the others are waiting over there by the restaurant." She said.

Luz raised a brow.

"¿Un restaurante?(A restaurant?)" She mumbled.

Amity snickered before saying, "never gone to a seafood restaurant before?"

Luz thought it over before saying, "mi mamá me llevó a un restaurante de mariscos una vez en Hawai, ¿supongo?(my mom took me to a seafood restaurant once in hawaii I guess?)"

Amity chuckled rolling her eyes before pulling her with her.

"C'mon, I'll tell you about the good orders to grab a bite with and how you eat some fish food." She said.

Luz frowned.

'Dije un restaurante de mariscos, no un maldito restaurante elegante.'('I said a seafood restaurant, not a damn fancy restaurant.') she thought before pausing over the warm smell and look at the front deck of the restaurant.

"Woah..." She mumbled staring off before spotting the large chalkboard in display, the prices shook her, she didn't bring her credit card with her and her wallet does not have that much money to even buy just a glass of water too. Classic.

Amity smiled before spotting the table they had to go to.

"C'mon, let's hurry over there." She said.

"¿¡Qué!? ¿Estás bromeando? ¡No tengo dinero para comprar nada aquí ahora mismo!(That!? Are you kidding? I don't have money to buy anything here right now!)" Luz stammered.

Amity raised a brow and asked, "didn't you win a big grand from being a prey for a week?"

Luz sighed, flushing in embarrassment as she said, "No tengo mi tarjeta de crédito y ... Mi dinero no alcanza ni para comprar agua aquí.(I don't have my credit card and... My money isn't even enough to buy water here.)"

Amity stared at her before snickering, holding herself from laughing when she couldn't stifle her chuckle even to a bare minimum.

Luz pouted red in the cheeks.

"No es gracioso, maldita sea.(It's not funny, damn it.)" She scoffed.

Amity cleared her throat out loud and apologized.

"Alright, how about tonight. I treat you?" She suggested.

"No, tus hermanos mayores pueden pensar, te estoy chupando.(No, your older siblings may think, I'm leeching at you.)" Luz huffed.

Amity rolled her eyes before leaning close to her ear.

"Then let's do a trade." She said.

Luz thought it over before asking, "¿Qué tipo de comercio?(What kind of trade?)"

Amity hummed, picking her words before saying, "one kiss for one dinner."

Luz shot up red in the face.

"¿¡Qué!?(What!?)" She whispered out loud.

Amity snickered.

"C'mon, just a peck." She cooed.

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