Chapter 7: El entrometimiento

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Luz covered her mouth with both trembling hands, keeping quiet over the slow yet echoing noises around her. At least she had a good hiding spot.

"Lee, stop playing hide and seek and come out now..." Emira called out while toying with her knife in one hand, she chuckled a bit as she drew out her phone and took a peek at the timer, calling her out again, "C'mon, Lee, you only have exactly fifteen seconds before your location is out soon..."

Luz had to think fast.

'¡Maldita sea! ¡¡Luz!! ¡Solo piensa! ¿¡Qué vas a hacer ahora!?'

[Damn! Luz!! Just think! What are you going to do now!?]

She breathed in quietly under her hands before shooting up over the sudden appearance of a shadow, to make her look above her and see Emira grinning down at her.

"Found you..."

On impact, the knife plunged right through the box she was leaning against on and able to dodge in the nick of time.

Touching the bleeding thin scar on her face, she hissed a bit when it burnt all the same as you would when getting a bullet through skin.

"What the hell!? Why is it so painful?" She cried out to herself while holding her scarred cheek.

"Hahaha--well, that's my ability y'know, being able to inflict immense amounts of pain even in the slightest scars. If I'd have stabbed you, you'd be in so much pain you won't even realize that you're dying." Emira laughed as she yanked her knife out from being stuck.

Luz immediately made a run for it and felt a sense of hope when she saw an exit sign not too far ahead.


"You had fun didn't you..?" Amity chuckled, her grip on his hair was tightening, she might pull it out of his scalp even if she put in just enough efforts into it.

Mattholomule growled as the pain in his face kept burning from his bleeding nose and grimed forehead, he scoffed back and her with retort, "Tsk! So what if I did??"

"Ehh..?" Amity hummed before slamming his head hard on the sink again.


Red splattered around the edge of the white sink, his forehead a red mess of his own blood.

Amity grinned wide om amusement.

"You saw who they were, right..? They had short hair, black earrings, and a blue jacket that's so bright in color, it would make you want to add red on her? Is that right?" She asked as she slowly turned the faucet on while making Mattholomule stare at his disheveled bleeding look in the mirrors.

He couldn't help but get mad at the sight of himself but fear and tremble at the sight beside him.

Amity's glowing gold-tinted eyes laced itself with nothing but the unbreakable desire to hunt.

His lips were quivering in both fear and pain, muttering, "Y... Yeah... She... S-She's in all of that!"

"Then she's mine." Amity said, eyeing Mattholomule who's wide eyes kept twitching.

"Oh! I... I didn't know! Sorry about that." He laughed meekly.

Amity's grin soon became a frown as she drew out a pocket knife from her jacket and pointed it towards his neck, humming, "Don't ever touch her again... Only I can do that, you understand that, right?"

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