Chapter 47: Poder

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Luz glanced over to Amity.

"Huh..?" She chirped.

"One of the reasons you might know their real names by now is because of the power this place has... Belos placed a special field in this building whereas the longer you stay, the more knowledge you'll gain." Amity explained.

Luz frowned.

"I don't... I don't get it..." She muttered.

Amity sighed before saying, "well, it's still three hours early for sleep, so lessons aren't too uncommon."

Luz shifted to listen better.

"There's a special field in this building that grants everyone that enters and stays knowledge of everyone in the building. If you stay here a bit longer, everyone will slowly gain knowledge of your presence while that happens though, you will gain everyone's knowledge back too. It's a fair share for everyone... That's why some seniors here left and decided to get a house outside of the place they were raised in, they pretty much didn't like their privacy slowly going public anymore." Amity said.

Luz nodded lightly in understanding.

"So... The longer I stay the bigger my knowledge of everyone here will get? But that means everyone knowing about me too?" She said.

"Yep, that's about it... And if you get matched as one of the top students like me, everyone will be scared of you." Amity said.

Luz raised a brow before asking, "how helpful is that exactly..?"

"The system here with hunters is very different from the healers and assistants. If you're weak, you will stay weak, if you're strong, you will stay strong, and moderate? Your capabilities will depend on whether you are strong or not, but most of the moderate ones always end up being weak." Amity shrugged before closing her eyes.

Luz fiddled with her clasped hands before a thought came to mind.

"How did you and Willow meet? Willow and Gus never tell me much about you even when we all met for the first time." She said.

Amity didn't budge on opening her eyes to look at Luz as she raised her arms and placed them behind her head.

"Gus... Well, let's see... I saved his ass from getting his head shoved in a public toilet in a mall so I guess he counts me as his friend even until now or so... And for Willow, as I said, she's just my confrère." She said.

"Doesn't seem like it... Willow always keeps it discreet between you two, why's that?" Luz scoffed.

Amity grinned.

'Eh bien ... Quelqu'un devient un peu trop curieux ...(Well... someone is getting a little too curious...' she thought before saying, "Sais tu parler francais?(Do you know how to speak French?)"

"Huh?" Luz chirped in surprise.

Amity chuckled before saying, "Si vous ne comprenez pas le français, vous ne saurez pas quelle est ma relation avec Willow ...(If you don't understand French, you won't know what my relationship is with Willow...)"

Luz frowned.

The language barrier was horrible to have. Irritating even.

"Oh, Luzy ... yo también puedo hablar español ...(Oh, Luzy... I can speak Spanish too...)" Amity laughed.

Luz went red in the face but still, she was stunned, yet amazed.

"Wait for a second... The last one was Spanish for sure... W... What was the first ones..!?" She chided.

Amity hummed before saying, "French."

Luz was in awe.

"Wait... How many languages do you... Know..?" She asked, shy she felt asking, curious she sounded asking.

Amity was now interested by the sudden change of Luz's mood of being interrogative to a cat committing exile over curiosity.

"Well, every hunter is supposed to be linguistic, so I was taught a lot on common languages well... In Asia that is, oh, Russian too maybe." She began.

"Can you... Speak German?" Luz asked.

"Ja, ich kann...(Yes, I can...)" Amity nodded.

"How about... Hawaiian!?" Luz asked.

Amity snickered, holding a laugh down her throat as she asked, "Hawaiian?? Seriously??"

Luz blushed in embarrassment.

"Well, my mom took me to Hawaii once and I couldn't understand them!" She blurted.

Amity laughed before calming down and saying, "ʻae, hiki iaʻu ke ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi.(Yes, I can speak Hawaiian.) "

Ok, Luz was getting way too interested in Amity's knowledge of language now.

"Wow, Luzy ... Eres tan lindo cuando tienes curiosidad. (Wow, Luzy... You're so cute when you're curious.)" Amity cooed.

Luz flushed and averted eye contact.

"Oh..." She chirped.

Amity grinned before checking the time.

'An hour only passed, huh..?' she thought before saying, "algo que quieras preguntar, Luzy?(something you want to ask, Luzy?)"

Luz perked up.

"Oh, uhm... It's a pretty dumb question so I don't think you'll want to answer it." She laughed meekly.

Amity shook her head, this time, she finally decided to look at Luz who still sat with crossed legs, although, she took off her shoes now.

"No me importa si es tonto, solo dispara.(I don't care if it's dumb, just shoot.)" She said.

Luz looked down on her hands before asking, "Uhm ... Are you..? ¿Soltero ?(Single?)"

Amity's eyes widened a bit.

"Am I single..?" She hummed.

Luz was completely red now.

"Y'now what..! N... Never mind! Forget I asked that! That was a dumb question!" She said, forcing a laugh from her tongue as she scratched the back of her neck.

Amity thought about it though.

'Dating, huh...' she thought before saying, "well, are you single?"

Luz shot up fumbling over the sudden question back. She was flushing red.

Amity was still deep in thought over it though.

'But if I start dating you... Aeson would get very jealous.' she thought before smirking.

"Yeah, I'm single." She said over Luz's blabbering.

Luz was red in the face in surprise that she fell back and off of the bed with a thud.

Luckily, the rooms in the building were soundproof, huh...

Luz shot up when she made a loud noise.

Amity turned herself around to lay on her stomach as she rested her face with both hands.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

Luz frowned as she tried to sit up.

"Yeah, but... That was a loud... Hit though..." She muttered.

"Relax, every room in this building is soundproof with magic by Belos." Amity shrugged.

"Ehh? Wait, why is every room soundproof, anyway? What if someone needs help in another room and can't yell out for anyone?" Luz asked.

Amity grinned.

"Really, Luzy? You still don't understand?" She scoffed before continuing with, "every room isn't just made soundproof with magic because of adults having sex, it's to keep the prisoner from calling out to ask for help too y'now..."


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