Chapter 60: Encerrado aquí conmigo

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Luz shot up and glanced around her.

She was back home, but it felt off. Way too off to be her real home.

Standing up, she swore she could hear someone. Walking over to the living room, she saw herself. Sitting on the couch crossed legged while reading a book.

"Qué..?(What..?)" She mumbled.

"Oh, hey, Luz."

Luz perked up. She knew that tone of voice all too well.

"Lus... Where am I..?" She asked.

Lus smiled, closing the book before disappearing and reappearing in front of Luz.

"Let me take over, Luz." She said.

Luz flinched and took a step back, swiping at her to step back as well.

Lus complied and took a step back.

"What do you mean 'let you take over'!?" Luz asked.

Lus chuckled before saying, "it's obvious that your father wrote me a journal explaining how I worked but... You... You still don't know much about how I work. I'm just a machine, Luz, built into your genes from him, let me take over just this once to help you."

Luz growled.

"Hell no!" She yelled.

Lus covered an ear.

"Language." She nagged.

Luz frowned.

"I don't want your help!" She said.

"Oh, but you need it. Amity just got punched in the face by her own older brother..." Lus grimaced.

Luz felt a heavy tension behind her head. It felt, horrible, enraging to her. She didn't like it, it's too unbearable to hide away.

"Fine... You... You can take over." She muttered.

Lus perked up.

"Wow, you're not as dumb as I thought. You're close to an average IQ right now." She pondered before snapping her fingers.

"¿¿¡Soy que!??(I am what!??)" Luz shut up.


"Uhm, Chase, I think we made Lee faint instead." Edric pondered.

Emira huffed.

"Yeah, I think we did." She said.

"I didn't hit you too hard, right?" Edric asked, concern laced in his voice.

Amity shook her head.

"You literally patted my face like a petting a dog, Apsat... But you did a pretty good job in acting pissed at me." She said, waiting with a grin on her face as Bump made a daily check on the time.

Four hours was what was given. Even if one were to fall unconscious, they'd have to be dead to end the whole thing.

Jenny sat waiting but she was impatient and thus, she stood up and walked over to Luz.

Raising a foot, she kicked her lightly in the head, a light nudge to see if she'd awaken from it.

Luz was out of it, but soon enough, her fingers twitched a bit.

It sparked guard up for Jenny to take a step back.

Lus breathed in a quick heave as she slowly rose. Standing up, she muttered incoherently yet softly as she rubbed a side of her face.

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