Chapter 64: Amigos del grupo

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Luz felt the warmth caress her cheek as she slowly opened her eyes to stare up at the ceiling. Grumbling, she rubbed her temple before rolling herself from out of her bed, she fell with a thud on the floor when she did so.

"Uf, ¿por qué siempre tiene que empezar a las seis y no a las siete como una escuela normal?(Ugh, why does it always have to start at six and not seven like a normal school?)" She groaned while trying to stand up.

Scratching her side and back under her shirt, she grabbed the glass of water on the desk and yawned.

Opening the door while drinking, she immediately spat in shock when she caught a glimpse of Eda and Lilith in the living room.

"¡Oh! ¡Luz, estás despierta!(Oh! Luz, you are awake!)" Camila chirped when she peeked from the kitchen.

Luz's had wide eyes of shock as she slowly pointed over to the Clawthornes in the living room.

"Yes, yes, I know who they are. They introduced and I introduced." Camila chuckled.

Luz held the glass of water in one hand and walked up behind Eda.

Lilith smiled and pointed Luz out for Eda.

Eda was immediately given serotonin over it.

"Luz!!" She yelled before pulling her into a tight hug.

Luz choked a bit on the hug before saying, "ok... Why are you two here?"

"We took your advice, kid, even though you did that without warning, we're pretty grateful. We just went for a check-up on a hospital today and all they said was I didn't have cancer." Eda said.

Luz stood there baffled.

'Uno no se cura tan fácilmente de un cáncer ... Entonces, ella debe estar diciendo la verdad, ¿verdad? Quiero decir, le puse un poco de sangre en la cara ayer.'('One is not so easily cured of cancer... So she must be telling the truth, right? I mean, I put some blood on his face yesterday. ') she thought before saying, "you're not making this up, right?"

Eda shook her head in denial.

"I couldn't believe it as well but..." Lilith sighed as she stood up and made her way over to Luz.

Holding out one of Luz's hand, she smiled in acknowledgment and said, "Gracias por darle a mi ingrata mocosa de hermana menor una segunda oportunidad en la vida, Lee.(Thanks for giving my ungrateful little sister brat a second chance at life, Lee.)"

Luz meekly smiled.

"Uhh ... eres ... eres bienvenido?(Uhh... You are... You are welcome?)" She stuttered.

'That was a little harsh, right??' she thought.

"I'm right here." Eda scoffed.

"I know." Lilith huffed.

Luz meekly laughed before waving them from their small visit for her.

"I'm very proud of you helping others, Luz, but you need to save some of that for yourself." Camila said.

Luz sighed.

"I know... And I promise too, mamá.()" She said.

Camila smiled before patting Luz's cheeks and saying, "now go get yourself ready for the day, Luz, you have classes."

Luz felt a little taken aback.

"How are you so calm about this..?" She muttered.

Camila chuckled.

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