Chapter 82: Emoción en Internet

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Luz sat staring down at her hand.

Amity's words still rang through her ears.


"You're not Luzy." She said.

"She's dead." She said.


Luz sighed.

Her only response had been, "I am Luz! And I'll prove it!"


Grumbling, she fumbled her hair around before sighing out loud and looking down to the ground.

Tapping her shoes ever so rhythmically, she thought everything over.

She really shouldn't have left without a warning back there.

Looking through her phone, she opened the settings and found a difference she hadn't seen since her last look on her phone.

Looking at it, her wifi was off. It would seem someone had turned the wifi from her phone.

Turning it on, her phone rang out loud that it surprised her, all the messages she sent and all the calls she tried to do had been now sent. Her phone heated a bit as there was a lot and it was a complete shockwave for the phone itself.

"Oh, sheesh, must've been a lot for this thing to process." She mumbled before perking up when her phone suddenly went off.

"Heh?? Did it just..?" She mumbled while trying to turn it back on.

It was a restart from the shockwave.

"Oh, thank goodness." She relieved herself with a smile.

Waiting for her phone to turn on completely, she was shot back by a lot of replies from the numbers she messaged.

"Oh, mierda.(Oh, shit.)" She chirped.

Clearing her throat, she got a call from her mom, no, not just her mom, Willow and Augustus too.

Picking up her mom's first, she was met with crying on it.

"Oye ... Oye, mamá, cálmate, estoy bien, ¿y tú? Siento haber desaparecido durante cinco meses, no quise preocuparte.(Hey... Hey, mom, calm down, I'm fine, how about you? I'm sorry I was missing for five months, I didn't mean to worry you.)" She said when Camila calmed down.

Camila was crying on the other end. She must be really happy that Luz wasn't dead.

Luz smiled, fiddling with her other empty hand on her jacket, she looked around trying to figure out what to say next.

"Oye, mamá, ¿estás bien? Estás llorando mucho.(Hey, mom, are you okay? You are crying a lot.)" She said.

Camila sniffled before saying, "I'm just really happy to hear you."

Luz looked down humming.

"Oh..." She chirped.

For a moment of silence, Luz listened to her mom's crying in the line.

"Mamá, I'm gonna come back home there, ok?" She said.

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