Chapter 65: Los argumentos son siempre dulces

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"C'mon, Lee! Have some! Peet brought it for us y'now." Morris laughed.

Luz politely declined.

"No gracias." She said enforcement continuing with, "I'm not that hungry, so you can have it all."

It made Peet frown.

"Aww, c'mon! Just one bite!" Morris snickered as he held out a biscuit in front of Luz.

Luz still declined.

It was making everyone at the table with her frown.

"Then... Can we get you a drink?" Parker asked while patting Douglas's shoulder.

Luz felt a little uneasy as she laughed and said, "ok, I guess..?"

'It's a little rude to decline everything, right..?' she thought as both Parker and Douglas stood up and left for the vending machines.


"It's getting hard to poison her with snacks, do you have any poison for drinks??" Parker whispered while putting the bill in.

Douglas thought it over before nodding and sneaking it over to him.

"Are you sure poisoning her will get us to a different section?" He whispered.

"Dumbass, she killed that bitch Jenny, she's the new ace now. If we kill her, we'll become the new aces, no, not just aces but the whole deck of cards itself." Parker scoffed a whisper.

Douglas felt uneasy as he watched Parker lace poison on the bottles.

"I don't think we should do this." Douglas muttered.

"Don't whine your way out of this, dipshit, it's already been decided." Parker growled before continuing with, "back down now and you'll become the target instead of her."


"Here you go, Lee!" Parker smiled while handing the bottle over to Luz.

Luz smiled, ready to acknowledge their surprising kindness before flinching when blood suddenly tainted her reaching hand.

"AAAAAAAHHH---" Parker yelled in pain when his hand was stabbed.

"How strange..." Amity mumbled while standing behind Parker.

Luz shot up.

"Amity!?" She blurted, standing up almost immediately as if in command without a word.

Amity hummed, gripping the knife, she twisted it, causing Parker to scream louder.

Luz flinched.

"Stop! Stop that!!" She yelled as she hurried over to Amity's side to pull her away.

Amity was pulled away easily by Luz as the other three panicked for Parker's crying.

"Qué estás haciendo..!?(What are you doing..!?)" Luz scoffed.

Amity stared at Parker for a bit more before taking her attention over to Luz.

Leaning forward, her face was a gap between Luz's face as she said, "how naive can you be to not smell poison on your drink?"

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