Chapter 51: Mucho tiempo sin verte

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As soon Luz reached the door for her supposed dorm, even though it'll probably act as her apartment, and new home from now on.

And yet, when she reached to use the key on it, the door was already unlocked. Did Amity show her the wrong door? Not likely, the number on the door and her key are the same.

Nobody would try and switch it just like that when she's a new student in the building.

Opening the door, she opened it and walked inside to be greeted by someone mumbling to themself.

Walking over to the living room, she could only mutter one thing.


Camila perked up and glanced over the couch before gasping and springing up from sitting.

"¡¡Oh Dios!! Luz, ¿estás bien? ¡¿No te lastimaste, verdad ?!(Oh God!! Luz, are you okay? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?!)" She stammered out while pulling Luz into a tight hug.

Luz wheezed a bit in surprise over the hug but she knew she felt happy knowing her mom was safe and well that it made her eyes teary.

"I... I'm fine." She muttered weakly.

Camila looked down before giving her kisses on the forehead.

Luz laughed in surprise over the sudden kisses as she hugged back.

"Te extrañé, mamá.(I missed you, mom.)" She said before pulling back.

It was a little confusing but she had to ask it, "wait... Mamá, why are you here?"

Camila sighed before saying, "it surprised me a bit but they suddenly pulled me out of my workplace and dragged me to have coffee to talk about a few things about... You."

Luz bit her lower lip and fell small.

"Oh, really..?" She mumbled.

Camila nodded.

"Si, they said you did something very crucial that I had to be part of it no matter what unless I want to live seeing you another day." She said.

Luz frowned.

"I... I'm sorry, mamá, I got you into this because of me... I'm sorry." She muttered.

Camila only sighed again and pulled Luz to a more warming and gentle hug.

"Sé quiénes eran, Luz, está bien.(I know who they were, Luz, it's okay.)" She said.

Luz wiped a tear.

"Huh?" She chirped.

Camila held a tear back.

"Luz, la razón por la que tu papá murió antes de tu cumpleaños es porque una vez trabajó aquí como cazador. Hizo algo indescriptible en este lugar al que juró no volver jamás.(Luz, the reason your dad died before your birthday is because he once worked here as a hunter. He did something indescribable in this place that he vowed never to return to.)" She said.

Luz was confused.

"What do you mean, mamá?" She asked.

"La única razón por la que tu padre está muerto es porque hizo una ronda privada y perdió, el cazador que eligió al azar lo mató. Le dije lo peligroso que era, especialmente porque últimamente habían estado dando diferentes razas de cazadores...(The only reason your father is dead is because he did a private round and lost, the hunter he randomly chose killed him. I told him how dangerous it was, especially since they had been giving out different breeds of hunters lately...)" Camila said before walking over to sit on the couch with Luz.

"So... He died because of me?" Luz muttered.

Camila perked up.

"Of course, not!" She stammered trying to decline the sudden accusation.

Luz's tears fell heavy as she cried louder.

"It's all my fault!" She cried out.

"¡No! ¡No lo fue!(No! It was not!)" Camila said while patting Luz's back.

Luz sniffled before muttering out, "Mamá, le pregunté si podíamos irnos de vacaciones, los tres a un parque de diversiones, no arriesgó su vida por eso, ¿verdad?(Mom, I asked him if we could go on vacation, us the three to an amusement park, he didn't risk his life for that, did he?)"

Camila shook her head in denial.

"He's not that dumb to do something that dangerous, Luz..." She said.

Luz eased down.

"But because of me, you also lost your job?" She said.

Camila sighed.

"Tomorrow's the last day of your public round, am I right..?" She asked.

Luz nodded while wiping a tear.

She had completely forgotten about it. The bank account she had was still running.

Taking her phone out, her eyes were wide in shock. More than a billion had been sent to the bank she owned. Hell, it was almost just as close as going over a billion by now if she waits until tomorrow for more money to get sent. Just how rich is the business you ask? Probably just as rich as Bill Gates own unmoving money.

"This... This is way too much..." Luz muttered.

Camila nodded.

"I don't care about the money at all but I just want to make sure you don't get way too guilty for making me lose my job. You didn't make me lose my job, Luz, I quit my job when they came to talk with me." She said.

Luz was shocked.

"Huh!? You did what!?" She stammered.

Camila chuckled before saying, "Luz, you have your father's genes of being a hunter and a hunter's golden heart too. Your father was inhumanely strong, nobody, not even the business knew how it worked other than him. He knew how to manipulate the cells in his body to heal itself, he knew how to stop blood from leaving open wounds, he knew how to control muscle nerves, and how to fix any dislocation or broken bones in his body."

Luz was in awe. His dad can do all of those things? Wow.

"He's immortal..?" She asked.

Camila shook her head.

"No, well, because if he's knocked out cold, he can't heal and all, he's left defenseless whenever he's asleep." She said.

"Unless he's awake, he can be immortal?" Luz asked.

Camila hummed before nodding. She really can't deny that one, can't she?

Luz was in a lot of awe now.

"I can heal myself..?" She asked.

Camila meekly smiled before saying, "well, yes..? I'm not sure how it works, only your papa knew, but... He had a journal, it might contain what you need to know but it's in the boxes over there."

Luz raised a brow before glancing over to where Camila was pointing.

There were a few boxes labeled with their names on them.

"Did they take our stuff from our house?" She asked.

Camila nodded.

"Everyone thinks we're dead now, so they took it without anyone seeing them do so. We live here now, Luz, and we can't do much about it." She said.

Luz nodded in understanding.


Amity scratched the back of her shoulder as she laid on the couch scrolling through her phone.

There wasn't much to do anymore since Luz was doing a dick move here.

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