Chapter 22: Nueva ubicacion

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Luz hopped down the truck when it finally stopped in front of buildings.

More so over... She was in a different city, looking around her, she took a step back and out of a biker's way when they pressed their horn on her.

Apologizing for standing in the way, she meekly scratched the back of her neck as she walked alongside the crowd of people who were going to cross the road.

Looking around her more, there was nothing that looked familiar and what was worse is she was hungry.

She frowned when her stomach craved something to eat.

Patting her side pockets, back pockets, and her jacket, her wallet was nowhere in sight for her to use.

She sighed.

'Just my luck... My wallets gone in the most trivial point.' she thought as she made her way around the city.

It was a perfect city to be hidden in. The crowds are her friends up to this point right now and the buildings were perfect for hiding behind unless needed.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

A guy was smiling down at her with a phone in their other hand.

Luz mentally gulped as she asked, "do you need help??"

"Hi, my name's Steve."

Luz didn't know how to respond to that. This man just introduced himself like it was nothing to him, he even used his real name in introduction to her too.

"Uhh... Hi..? Steve??" Luz muttered in confusion as she brushed his hand off of her shoulder to get a move on and to get away from the weirdo for a guy that came out of nowhere in the crowd with her.


Lilith glanced over her phone when it rang.

Picking it up, she answered back while watching Eda shove cookies on her face.

"Emersion, slow down with the sugar." Lilith nagged lightly as she tried to listen through her phone.

"I found her, Miss. Owl lady."

Lilith smiled before dropping the call.

"Well, for some reason she's in this city at the moment." She said, immediately catching Eda's attention towards her.

"Really!?" Eda said.

Lilith nodded.

"I have no interest in hunting her so you may go on." She said as she slid her phone towards Eda.

Eda was in awe of the situation.

"My sister's being nice..." She hummed before giving a suspicious look as she continued with, "how suspicious..."

Lilith just chuckled and rested her chin on one hand.

"I have not a single choice here, Emersion... So go... Before I decide to change my mind of this great treason I'm doing to Belos." She said.

Eda smiled as she ruffled Lilith's hair a bit before running out of the bakery.

Lilith had to pay for everything her sister ate if you wanted to know. Which, you probably don't want to know.

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