Chapter 42: Estación de policía

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Luz shot up and was gasping for air when she awoke from her sleep.

Clutching her chest, she gasped for a breather while looking around her.

She was in a grey room, with one whole wall being iron bars.

Sitting up, she patted the spot she was laid on. A simple flatbed, with a thin bedsheet. Wow.

Frowning, she must've awoken due to the discomfort her body was beginning to gain for the past few hours. She doesn't even know how she ended up inside this cell.

She thought over it for a moment before she heard a door opening and closing.

Perking up from the sound, she stood up and walked over to look over the bars. Hell, she even called out for whoever that was.

It was obviously a police officer.

The officer raised a brow before smirking as they replied from Luz's call with, "look who's awake sleeping under the bridge..."

Luz gulped. She didn't know what she was breaking.

"Didn't you know that it's government area under the bridge?? Seriously, how'd you even get access there? The stairs are hard to find for christ sake." The officer said.

Scoffing a bit before they made their way over their desk to do paperwork.

Luz shot up.

"E... Excuse me?? Can I go out now, please??" She asked.

There was a laugh that came from the officer who slammed a fist on the desk a few times from amusement.

"Seriously, kid?? What you just did was a trespass, and look what I found in your side pockets too. A small dose of your little nuggets and your phone, it's surprising how it's not water clogged at all." They said.

Luz was confused.

"I don't do drugs?!??!???" She blurted.

There was a moment of silence before the officer stood up and made their way in front of Luz, the bars being the only thing that kept their space fair for one another.

"Listen, kid... I'm just doing my job... And this officer just busted someone who was probably smuggling under that bridge but fell asleep instead." They said.

Luz frowned.

"For the second time, Sir, I don't do drugs! I'm underaged and drugs are clearly illegal!" She reasoned.

There was no reasoning that'll get through the officer's skull as they only went back to their desk to continue with paperwork.

Luz stared at their work for a while before sighing and walking back over to the small bed to sit down. She had nothing to do but wait. No, it's worse than waiting. Way worse. She has to wait until her location gets given out again and the adrenaline of hunters coming for her head was high, knowing she had a few days left until she wins this dangerous game.

And she just sat there, staring at the grey ceiling doing nothing but wait.


"Hey, mom and dad." Amity said as she shut the door behind her while still scrolling through her phone.

"Hey, sweetie, how's your week been without us?" Odalia said as she flipped a page over.

Amity smiled at the interesting question her mom gave.

"This week, huh?" She huffed before continuing with, "well... It's been... Unexpected and entertaining but..."

Alador chuckled over the answer Amity gave, driving the car slowly through the short traffic.

A sudden followed up answer made him and his wife flinch in surprise.

"I think I also found love this week."

Both Odalia and Alador glanced over their shoulder and towards Amity.

"You found what?" They asked in unison.

"I found love." Amity chuckled, amusing herself even to her own followed up answer as she picked up a call on Jerbo.

Jerbo picked up after a while.

"Hello?" He said.

"Find her location for me, please." She said before dropping the call.

"Who was that, dear?" Alador asked as he moved the car after it went green.

Amity shrugged.

"Big brother's friend." She said.

"Oh, looks like the twins have been picking up on making friends in the business for quite some time now haven't they, sweetie?" Odalia wondered as she turned her gaze back over to the side window.

"Yep." Amity hummed before her phone rang.

Picking the incoming call up, it was Jerbo.

"She said the Police Station just a block in front of you." He said.

"Still open?" Amity asked.

"Still open." Jerbo said before dropping the call.

Amity sighed, unbuckling the belt, it caught Alador a little off guard.

"What are you doing, dear?" He asked.

Amity glanced out the side window before spotting the station.

Opening the door, she didn't hesitate to jump out and somehow land on her feet. What a sly cat.

Alador immediately hit the breaks, causing a few cars behind him to slam the horn on him for stopping at such an abrupt moment to cause a butterfly effect situated car crash.

"Chase! Where are you going?" Odalia yelled when she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door beside her.


Luz perked up when her phone rang. She was unsure if the water made the notification noise go on full volume, but she was very sure that it was on mute and only vibrate.

Looks like the officer tampered with her phone a bit, only to find nothing of interest over it.

"Oh, what do we have here..?" The officer cooed as they took a look at the phone.

"Your location has been given out??" They read out loud.

Luz hurried for and began shaking the bar doors.

"No!! Please, you have to get me out of here! I need to run!!" She yelled. Stammering even.

The officer laughed.

"Nice try, kid, but I'm not falling for your drama acting like the others." They said.

Luz gritted her teeth. They were getting on her nerves and it was not something she wanted.

"Please, you need to understand the situation you are in, Sir, there will be others who are probably older than me or close to my age that'll come in here and cause bloodshed. And that blood could either be mine or yours." She reasoned again.

It still didn't get through the officer's head. That was a bad move as Amity had walked inside and mid-way their conservation and had heard enough of the officer's dick moved bullshit towards Luz.

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