chapter 19: No es justo

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"It's not fair..." Amity whined as she sat in the bathtub popping floating bubbles mid-air in front of her.

Emira sighed.

"What's got you down this time?" She asked while washing Amity's hair.

"Everyone except for me has scared Luzy... And Luzy doesn't even want to be scared of me. That's not fair, Holter... I wanna be scary like them too." Amity said, closing her eyes for a bit before opening them to stare at the wall she faced.

"Do you think Luzy hates me though?" She wondered.

Emira hummed as she turned the showerhead on and went off to clean wash her hands in the sink.

"Of course not, Chase... Lee would never hate you." She said.

"How so..? You two have never met." Amity said as she brushed her wet hair aside from her face.

Swaying an empty hand at the tub, the water would idly move from side to side in swift motions.

Emira took a moment to herself as she wiped her hands with a towel.

"We might've met once... In the... Large storage under the mall where we first got the notification from the business." She said while opening the bathroom door.

"You're towel and clothes are in the sink, don't forget to empty the tub. Apsat said he'll be using it after he gets home." She added before walking out.


"Seriously, Jarrow..! What the hell did you get yourself into that you're literally half dead right now..!?" Edric grunted as he tried to continue up the stairs and towards his room.

Jerbo could only chuckle meekly as he muttered out through blood ridden with a broken tooth for a mouth, "I tried saving the prey... And ended up getting beaten up by a bunch of failed seniors who... Once probably worked close to Belos, but not close enough to see his face."

Edric frowned as he continued forward before reaching for the doorknob.

"Well... We should get you cleaned up before we check those wounds of yours. You're pretty beat up..." He said as he helped Jerbo inside with the door shutting behind them.

Emira leaned to look over from the kitchen.

"Woah... What the hell happened to him??" She chirped while watching Edric lead Jerbo to the bathroom.

"Got beaten up while trying to 'assist' the prey." Edric said before raising a hand to knock on the bathroom door.

With a few knocks, Amity answered it by opening the door.

"Oh, hey, Apsat... And Jarrow." Amity said, staring at Edric before glancing over to Jerbo and snickering at his disheveled face.

"Don't laugh at him, Chase, that's rude." Edric sighed while ruffling Amity's hair slightly.

Amity chuckled under a grin as she stepped out of the way for them.

"Oh, look, your arm is a bit purple, you broke two ribs and dislocated your shoulder didn't you..?" She wondered as she reached and poked roughly near Jerbo's upper chest and arm.


Jerbo held back a cry and a cuss as he bit his lower lip wincing from the pain with a twitching eye. Luckily, Barkus wasn't around to see him trying not to cry, huh..?

"Amity, we don't poke people's broken bones." Edric nagged calmly as he helped Jerbo inside the bathroom.

"Why not?" Amity asked with a tilted head.

"Because nobody likes being poked at spots where they've been hurt most if I pressed your sides like this." Emira said as she reached down and began prodding Amity's sides to a stifled laugh.

"No! Stop!! Bahahahahah--no!!"

Emira retreated her hands back while chuckling and said, "see? You didn't like that did you..?"

"Nope, I didn't at all." Amity said, rolling her eyes without a care for anything as she hung her towel beside her shoulder with her hands tucked inside her side pockets.

"Now go on, shoo, Jarrow won't like you taunting him at the moment here." Emira chuckled over while waving Amity off.

Amity just chuckled back before walking off to do whatever she wanted to do for all the twins cared much about.

Jerbo growled as he was sat down on the empty yet a tad slippery for a tub.

"Man... You suck being an assistant sometimes." Edric snickered over as he turned the showerhead on.

"Argh!! Cold! Cold!" Jerbo shrieked with Edric quickly lowering the heat down to a good minimum for him.

"Wow, to be honest here, Jarrow, you're hurt this badly that you need a healer that's expert in fixing dislocated shoulders and snapped rib cages." Emira commented as she leaned over the open bathroom door.

"Oh, yeah?? And you think there's a Senior healer that's still alive at the moment that's not out there but inside Hexside?" Jerbo snickered as he kept his eyes closed.

Letting the water fall to him as the blood began to drain itself down to the sink.

"Oh, every healer available is out there at the moment, Jarrow... Your only hope is Van only." Emira said as she grabbed her phone in dial of a certain phone number.

"Ughh... Can't we get Emerson here instead?? Or maybe even Barnet for all I care." Jerbo groaned.

"Nope, Emerson is out of town at the moment which means she won't be here until next month with her family, and Barnet is not in Hexside at the moment too... Probably out there looking for something, I dunno..." Edric blurted as he helped Jerbo out of his shoes from it getting wet as the tub began to fill up slightly with blood ridden dirty water.

"Mmmrrghh... Fine, call Van over so you two can tell her that I'm stuck in a bathroom with two halves of a whole asshole making fun of me for breaking two ribs and dislocating my shoulder... And bringing you in too to make fun of me is gonna make my life here even better than it'll ever be." Jerbo huffed.

The twins were brought into a fit of laughter because of that.


"Right now, you've survived... Two days in a row... Or something, I dunno, three days maybe??" Cat said while raising two fingers in front of her in a proud demeanor.

Luz hummed as they stood around the only flashlight in the empty kitchen.

"That's pretty impressive for a prey like you." Amelia commented.

"Oh, really?" Luz wondered.

"Yeah, it is. There were times people who participated, as usual, being the prey, since that's the whole ordeal of the game, and those who chose somewhere between more than a day or crap, don't last that long in survival rate... Even if it's a private round too." Amelia said.

Luz meekly laughed at the remarks she was being given.

"We should get you a healer soon though, we're not at all sure if you hurt yourself a lot when we found you laying with a phone beside you or not." Cat shrugged over.

"But y'now... It's pretty worse if the prey chose Chase as their hunter." Amelia said, chuckling a bit before grabbing a cracker from the box.

"Huh?? Who's Chase?" Luz asked.

Amelia and Cat both glanced over to her in unison over the question she had asked.

"That's one of the Blights family's hunter names, Amity Blight rightfully owns that name of how she can give the prey a chase which always ends up with them dying." Cat said.

Luz immediately choked on her biscuit to wheezing and trying to cough it out with Cat patting her back.

"Are you ok there, Lee??" Amelia asked.

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